Posts Tagged ‘wordpress themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 12/31


Debt Two column, widget ready theme with support for threaded comments and an options page for customizing the theme CgBaran 2-3 column widget ready and adsense ready theme Blogwave The theme includes four different color schemes which you can conveniently switch to in the built-in theme options page. Happy2010 Happy2010 is a simple New Year WordPress Theme with two Sidebars and Widget Support. There is an Option Page to populate the Footer. Page in German

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WordPress Theme Releases for 12/29


Macha It is a single-column theme with bold headers and focuses on easy reading. There are no images used, it is SEO optimized, and is perfect for people that don’t want to get bogged down in all of the technicalities of other themes. There is also a widgetized footer with 3 places to put widgets in to help compensate for a lack of a sidebar. Clear It is minimalistic one-column theme with the widgets all arranged at the bottom. Clear was designed to make your content stand out and make everything else get out of the way. Slidette It comes in 3 colors (green default, blue and black) , with a slideshow and a featured first page 4 posts from a category, two columns and dynamic widgets for the sidebar on the right and in the footer.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 12/24


blutheme Feature rich theme with support for thumbnails, feedburner, twitter, widgets and gravatars Crispp Crispp is a minimal theme with clean lines that lets visitors focus on your content. A separate administrative section allows you to change the color scheme however you like. The theme is very flexible Insanitious Fluid width two-column theme with widgetized sidebar, gravatar and comment ready Dusty City Dusty City is a WordPress Theme with 5 Sidebar / Widget positions. One below the navigation, one left and right, one between them, and one at the bottom. If you combine the Theme with the Side Posts Plugin, you will have a great flexible Magazine Theme. There is also an Option Page to populate the Footer. Page in German Santa SantaTheme is a WordPress Theme for Christmas with one Sidebar, and one Footerbar for Ads or whatever Widget you want to place there. There is also an Option […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 20/12


Mons Montis Three column theme perfect for churches and other non-profits. CleanRoar Keeping up with the seasons, cleanRoar takes a facelift and puts on the Christmas skin. It features a functional back-end packed with options. The skins can be swapped between the Legacy cleanRoar skin and the all new Christmas skin. Technology The Technology WordPress theme is a three column theme. Supports banner ads and the WP-PageNavi plugin. Navy Spiral Navy Spiral is a notebook-inspired theme with cool blues and grays, clean lines, and subtle design cues to let your writing pop! No matter where writing inspiration takes you, you’re online notebook will always be there to share your thoughts and stories. Widget-ready, gravatar-enabled, and set to download. Racing Red 01 Racing Red 01 is a simple WordPress Theme with one Sidebar and Widget Support. There is an Option Page to populate the Footer. Page in German

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WordPress Theme Releases for 12/18


Death Note Two column theme for fans of Japanese animation Lumiere Lumiere is the first theme released by the newly created SlackrThemes. It has a bright color scheme with a clean and easy-to-read layout that’s optimized for SEO, has paginated posts and comments, widgetized sidebars, and all of the amenities that you would expect from a theme. Shofi Shofi Theme is grid based wordpress theme, powered by framework 24 columns with features including Autograbbed Image and resize on the fly, Extra Ordinary Recent Post and Recent Comment, Widgets, Magazine style Ready2Launch A WordPress theme, with admin options page for customization, or as simple HTML/CSS page (No PHP/MySQL needed). Includes 6 themes and notes on customization. Techrey Three column theme with a widgetized left sidebar and a widgetized footer that you can customize to your hearts content. With gravatars on the front page, and all of the features you love. […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 12/14


Sunflower Bloom Two column theme based on the default WordPress theme. Also available are four other themes on the page. Punchcut A clean and versatile theme featuring two gorgeous fonts, hand crafted social icons, and a theme options page. Patagonia Patagonia is a clean and seo optimized wordpress theme with Theme Options. Patagonia Theme supports Tag clouds, categories, dynamic widgets, gravatars. Tandil Tandil is a very good looking WordPress theme with theme options. ScrapBook ScrapBook is a WordPress Theme with two Sidebars, 120 and 200 pixel wide, ideal for Adsense. There is also an Option Page to populate the Footer. Page in German

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WordPress Theme Releases for 12/09


knGreen knGreen is a WordPress theme with 2 sidebars, clean design, several language supported, multi-levels menu and some effects as ThickBox and some shortcodes as for inserting YouTube videos. GreenFrog GreenFrog is a free WordPress Theme with two Sidebars. There is an Option Page to populate the Footer. (Page in German) cleanRoar Released with a Christmas celebration look. It featuring a bold Christmas skin with build-in snow effect option. GreenSkyline GreenSkyline is a WordPress Theme with two Sidebars, one Topbar for Ads or whatever you want to place there and Widget Support. There is an Option Page to populate the Footer. (Page in German) Akira Fixed one column layout with widgetized sidebar Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get listed in these posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 12/04


SimpleBlog Doesn’t contain many features nor does it have preloaded plugins other then WP-PageNai. It has a small option page where you can edit the logo and favicon url’s, from this page you can also add your feedburner url and twitter account that will be displayed on the custom sidebar widget called: RSS Feed Suscribe. It has all the basic html elements styled for posts and the sidebar is widget ready. BlueSkyLine BlueSkyline is a simple WordPress Theme with one Sidebar and Widget Support. There is an Option Page to populate the Footer. RedCity RedCity is a WordPress Theme with two Sidebars, one Topbar and one Footerbar for Ads or whatever Widget you want to place there and Widget Support. There is an Option Page to populate the Footer. Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get it listed here.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 11/30


Journey Journey is a classic, three column theme with flexible width (800-1200px). With v1.1, Pings/Trackbacks are displayed separately and option pages. iTech iTech is high quality, low graphics, Lightweight, fast-rendering professional WordPress Theme, especially good for technology blogs. A tabbed block is added to sidebar for displaying Recent Posts, Popular Posts and Recent Comments. Built in control panel, you can set customized RSS feed, email subscription, twitter subscription and header logo. Blank Blank has no layout but every template is full of html comments to explain the php stuff if you know a bit of css and html Amazing Grace Crimson A simple, neat and clean looking 3 column, fixed width WordPress theme that would be appropriate for a church or Christian ministry website.

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