
It’s time to cast your vote


Listed here are the entries to the WordPress Plugin Competition 2.5.

Please help us choose the winners by visiting each of the plugins below and rating them on the linked page.

Remember to test the plugin properly before giving your vote.




  1. gestroud says:


    What’s the deadline for voting?

  2. david says:

    I thought the socialise plugin would have been on here ? we use it on our site and it really is great.

  3. Wladimir says:

    And how do we vote?

  4. Robert says:

    I really wish we had some comment page buttons like the “HTML Allowed” above.

    I saw comment quicktags but the plugin doesn’t work well with 2.6. anyone have something that installs buttons for These acronym title=””>


  5. Ajay says:

    @gestroud and Wladimir,
    You can vote on the individual posts by following the links above.
    We will announce the deadline at a later date.

  6. Dan Milward says:

    Sociable… nah we’re voting on new plugins that did not exist before the competition right? So when casting your vote you should check to see if it existed before πŸ˜›

  7. Chetan says:

    Twptter and comment remix gets me πŸ˜€

  8. Carson says:

    The statistic I’d like to see is how many people actually took the time to test 48 plug-ins before casting a vote.

  9. gestroud says:

    LOL @ “The statistic I’d like to see is how many people actually took the time to test 48 plug-ins before casting a vote.” I agree. That’s why I wanted to know when the deadline was. That’s a lot of plugins to test.

  10. michael lee says:

    Since I’m assuming that part of the criterion is usefulness to individual bloggers, I only downloaded and test the handful of plugs that I thought I might actually use, and confined my voting to those. Maybe that’s what others are doing as well.

  11. Nick says:

    Hmm… this will take a while. I wish there was a checkbox or something like a poll. But I guess it’s fair if we tried out the plug-ins first. Who knows, we might discover a nice plug-in or two

  12. Mark Barnes says:

    Please don’t forget the Sermon Browser plugin which was also entered into the competition, but has been missed from the official list.

  13. Dominatrix says:

    I really wish we had some comment page buttons like the HTML Allowed


  1. […] WordPress Plugin Competition 2.5 […]

  2. […] if you’ll recall FlareSmith was entered into the WordPress Plugin Competition! Well voting has begun, and I’m calling on you dear readers to help me win. Voting has begun […]

  3. […] Time to cast your vote in the plugin competition […]

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