Posts Tagged ‘wordpress themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 08/06


Pop It Now Theme is widget ready and has 6 widget placeholders (Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar and Footer). Footer has 4 placeholder and in any of it you can use as many widgets as you want. Minimalist Inspired by Kubrick WordPress theme, Minimalist is a three column, widget ready theme. Celestial Aura SEO-friendly WordPress theme that is widget-ready and has two sidebars of Wide Skyscraper width (160×600) on either side of the post area. It has a beautiful cosmic header with a slick menu bar elegantly blended in a sky blue background. The article area is suitable for a adsense banner ad of 468×60 pixels. Portico Two-column, widget and Google Adsense (or any other ad network) ready theme theme that is simple to use and offers elegant design.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/02


iQ2 iQ2 is a fixed width photoblog theme for WordPress. It is fixed width and widget enabled and it fully integrates with the PhotoQ Photoblog Plugin. iQ2 also features EXIF support and allows for easy customization via skins. Nature The Nature WP theme, fully loaded WordPress theme design for a WP powered site with the Nature theme, featuring a two column fixed layout, enabled with theme option panel, pagenavi support, frontpage slider, related posts, recent comments with gravatars are built into the theme. NoWayOut Widgetized sidebar with typical WP action like calendar, built in are recent comments and related post in the themes functions php, second sidebar shows excerpts of the latest five posts. The frontpage shows the four latest posts asigned by a built in theme options panel. GreenMag Three column theme with a magazine layout, featured posts and 125×125 ads.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 07/29


BizTech BizTech is a blue, grey and black, widget ready theme designed for internet marketers. Sidewalk Two column, widget ready theme, with gravatars and drop down navigation menu. Palmixio Two columns, widget ready (sidebar and footer), custom gravatar, flexible width, threaded comments Travel Club Travel Club is a free wordpress theme designed for travel blogs. Fresh and clean style, widget-ready and wordpress 2.8 compatible. Are you a WordPress theme author? Submit your theme to us to get featured in our releases.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 07/25


Stunning Silence Stunning Silence: it’s an amazing and customizable WordPress theme. It’s got lots of goodies like a huge options page, a great Twitter integration (straight in the header!), artful and delicious color schemes, but on the outside, all your visitors will see is a beautiful, modern, simple, and stylish theme, putting the spotlight on your work Palmixio Palmixio is a theme for WordPress, its features : two columns, widget ready (sidebar and footer), custom gravatar, flexible width, threaded comments, easy to customize. Evr Green Evr Green a free magazine styled wordpress theme, enabled with personal Twitter updates, social bookmarking, tabbed content, email subscription, and lots more. OfficeFolders OfficeFolders is a blue, grey and white, widget ready two-column theme with a right sidebar. Are you a theme author? Learn how you can submit your theme and get listed in these releases.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 07/21


E-commerce wpStore is a theme designed and developed to work with the best e-commerce plugin for wordpress WP e-Commerce. some modifications we made let the administrator of the store control a Latest Products area, Homepage Products and customize a Top Products widget. WP Coda Green WP CODA Green free WordPress theme is based on the WP CODA theme by Greg Johnson. WP CODA itself was created to “mimic the functionality of the very popular Coda website. WP CODA Green is ideal choice for green and environmental microsites. RedTweet Three column theme in red with support for Twitter and other social networking websites, as well as page management, featured posts and advertisement support. Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get it featured in these posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases 07/17


Critical Critical is a child theme of Hybrid framework that was designed to house reviews for movies, TV series, books, and other types of entertainment. It is a “starter” theme, meaning it is only composed of the layout and functionality. It was created to be a starting point for custom designs. Dystopia A fully-widgetized multi-column flexible-width theme with 1 right-hand sidebar in black, gray and blue. Featuring an Author Info page, Related Posts and gravatars along with Custom Archives, Sitemap and Full-Width No Sidebars page templates. Also features a custom Blog Page template which can be used for a default blog style. Tested in Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE6 and IE7. Compatible up to WordPress 2.8 and is XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.1 valid right out of the box. Expression Blue It has a content column and a sidebar column, and on the admin side, there is a theme option […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 07/09


TweetSheep This is a two column magazine style layout for wordpress. Quite unique with a dynamic main banner that includes your latest 4 featured posts. The design is in black and muted grays in a 2 column interface, which has been fully tested and is xHTML compliant. Dog’s Best Friend Two column theme with the picture of a dog in shades of pink and white Secondary The Secondary WP theme, fully loaded WordPress theme design for a WP powered site with the Secondary theme, featuring a three column fluid layout, enabled with theme option panel, pagenavi support, automatic image inserting and resizing, related posts, recent comments with gravatars are built into the theme. BT Extended The BT Extended WP theme, spruced newspaper style for a WP powered site with the brandnew revamped BT Extended WordPress Theme theme, featuring a four column fluid layout, third and spiced up version of the […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 07/05


Beauty Two column, WordPress 2.8 ready theme with an options page and featured posts using SmoothGallery Game RV Game RV is a compatible with WordPress 2.8 with gravatars, threated comments, widgets, etc. It has a right single sidebar. Facebook Look 2 Three column theme that looks and feels like Facebook Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get listed in these posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 07/01


Magloss Magloss is a magazine style WordPress theme packed with fully customized features. This 3 columns WordPress theme has integrated JonDesign’s SmoothGallery 2.0 for the rotating featured content. This theme also comes with an automatic thumbnail cropping feature for your front page posts. Besides the rotating featured content, this theme also enables you to use the category block feature to display recent posts for each category chosen. All these features are controllable inside the admin panel (Magloss Theme Option). Magloss is also comes ready with Twitter, Feedburner, 125×125 advertisement banners, adsense and featured videos. All you have to do is insert the appropriate html code within the theme option. GreenTweet Three column, widget ready theme with a big twitter icon, 125×125 ad support and page management for links in the top navigation. Vina Two column layout, widget ready, with features to auto-grab and resize images on the fly and compatible […]

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