Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 04/20


Vinto Tinto is a two column dark WordPress theme based on K2. CalmBlue is a 2 column light blue/white wordpress theme. Sly WordPress theme designed with a three column fixed layout as an online magazine style. Two mini loops are retrieving their posts from different categories at the frontpage. One loop in the sidebar showing two posts, one loop in the main area showing one post.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/19


Orange and Maroon Web Effect is two column theme based on the Yahoo! UI for cross browser stability and functionality, 950px wide, has a widgetized sidebar, tested in Safari, Firefox and IE6 and uses official Virginia Tech colors. The theme also has a memorial 04.16.2007 banner. Modern Paper is a three column theme ideal for journalism sites. Organic is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme based a template by Free CSS Templates. Sly is a three column, fixed width, widget ready theme. IntraBlog is a subtle, neat and clean, white, 2 column, widget ready WordPress theme with a right sidebar and a professional look. (Contains Sponsored Links) WordPress Gray Bird is a 2 column, widget ready theme with a sidebar on the right. (Contains Sponsored Links) Green Delight is a two column, green and white widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/18


Cubes is a two column, fluid width, blue theme with big fonts. 2Colours is a WordPress theme designed with a three column fixed layout magazine style. Three mini loops are retrieving their posts from different categories at the frontpage. Additional footer, Sweet titles and flickr RSS support built in. QPwilm is a three column, widget ready theme in shades of blue, white and gray. Aqueous Plus is a highly customizable, two column theme with sidebar widget support and auto update features. Hatschimi is a two colummn widget ready WordPress theme with a nice pattern in the background, a drawing of the face of the mysterious ancient creature Hatschimi. Independance Day is a clean 2 column red, white, and blue theme. Minimal Web 2.0 is a Black, white, and blue theme, with 2 columns. (Contains Credit/Sponsored Link) Dubai is a blue, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Rockin Clouds […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/16


Orange Cut is a WordPress theme with stripes and blood oranges in the background with support for Simple Tagging and WordPress widgets. Tarski 1.4 is the latest version of the theme, now compatible with WPMU. Tarski is a two column, flexible, widget ready theme with inbuilt support for custom header images. Blogging Simply is a simple, imageless, widget-ready, fluid, 3-column design. It’s beauty lies in its simplicity and soothing colors. Newfangled is a new sleek, neat and clean, Fixed width, 3 column, widget ready WordPress theme with a left sidebar and a right sidebar. (Contains Sponsored Links) 3cWPTP is a 3 column blue and green widget ready theme with support for several plugins. (Contains Sponsored Links) Carbonated is a red, blue and white, fixed width, 2 column, widget ready WordPress theme with a left sidebar. (Contains Sponsored Links) jSherina is a clean two column widget ready theme with a right […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/14


Apfelplusz has released deZent, Is a blog, pvk and sImpLe Light Col is a two column, orange, fixed width, theme. (Author states that the links in the footer cannot be removed. Check the page for complete details) XGreen is a single column, minimalistic white/green theme that has valid css and xhtml code. (Contains Sponsored Links) AquaGreen is a widget ready, two column, green theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Fire in I is a two column white, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/13


Panda is a two column, green and white, fixed width theme. Rosey is a classy retro theme consisting of neutral background colors. It features blue lines and patterns, red roses and a sweet gal from a past era. YGomahi & Ygo Lonely are two widget ready, three column themes. Sunburn is a two column fixed width black and orange theme Green Quarter is a two column, widget ready with jQuery support and support for Simple Tagging plugin. Adii is a two column, blue, widget ready theme with plugin support. Celtic Bach is two columns, Blue, Fixed width, Right sidebar theme. Salmon is a two column, pink and blue color theme Clean Copy is a simple, two-column, crisp, blue and white theme designed for blog content with the professional in mind, and the sharp simplicity. (Contains Sponsored Links) Brawl is a two column, brown, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/11


iTheme is a two column theme with support for WordPress widgets and drag and drop sidebar and a Mac theme. Sweet Pea is a two column black theme with a good header. YGo Soo Simple is a three column widget enabled theme with lot of bright colors and backgrounds. CreamCheese is a two column, widget ready, right sidebar, fixed width theme. YGo Soothing is a 2 column theme designed to give a website type of look to wordpress blog or something like a “content management system”. (Contains Sponsored Links) Calm Nature is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) LightBlue is a 2 column w3c validated theme, with a blue, brown and gray color scheme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Greenway is a new 2-column sleek, sophisticated, neat and clean, green and white, widget ready WordPress theme, with a right sidebar. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/10


Spin Me is a fixed width, two columns, widget ready theme with good accessibility. Dark Sunflower is a free, 2-column, widget-ready, brown-reddish theme featuring an image of dark sunflowers across the top. New Order is a sophisticated red and grey e-zine type theme with two columns, fixed width and plugin support. Nash WordPress theme designed with a three column fixed layout as a magazins style outfit for the front page with an additional footer. Demo Seven WordPress theme designed with a three column fluid layout, a fine blue colour scheme and shows the excerpts of the latest post on the frontpage. Demo NOcolors WordPress theme designed with a three column fluid layout with a grunge feeling, the recent post is featured at the frontpage. Demo Burnedpage is a tridimensional theme optimized for FireFox, IE7, IE6, IE5.5 and IE5.0 . It has fixed width, centered layout and right sidebar. (Contains Sponsored […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/07


Nighty is a two column widget ready theme with several colors, left sidebar and top navigation bar. Chirp is a two column theme based on Kubrick with grey-blue & white tones and a subtle deeper blue floral background. Nouveau Clean is a simple WordPress theme based on Kubrick with Art Nouveau style borders on a white background, with a light green sidebar on the right. Candy Girl is a two column retro theme in pink and red with a girls picture from day gone by. Bees is a two column, white and green, fixed width, widget ready theme. Plush is a two column, w3c validated WordPress theme, featuring a blue, grey, and purple color scheme. Purple is a two column, purple and white, widget ready theme.

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