Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Plugins’

WordPress Plugin Releases for 4/9

April 9th, 2011
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Amazon Tools allows you to integrate your WordPress blog with Amazon Web Services. Category Redirect to Post or Page allows you to easily redirect category links to a specific page, post, or even an outside url. Updated plugins Exploit Scanner searches the files on your website, and the posts and comments tables of your database for anything suspicious. It also examines your list of active plugins for unusual filenames. Health Check will perform a number of checks on your WordPress install to detect common configuration errors and known issues. jQuery Vertical Accordion Menu creates vertical accordion menus from any WordPress custom menu. WordPress Sphinx Search allows to use Sphinx Search Server power to enable ultra-fast and feature-rich search on WordPress-based websites.

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 4/5

April 5th, 2011
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Clip Art Illustration Search and Insert allows you to enter search terms for illustrations and images that you may wish to use in your posts. Featured Posts Scroll will scroll a set of posts (either automatically or via user click) in any desired location within a template or a post. WP Display Header lets you specify a header image for each post individually from your default headers and custom headers. WP Save Custom Header lets you save and reuse uploaded header images. Updated plugins eShop is an accessible Shopping Cart plugin. IE6 Upgrade Option displays a warning message, simply and politely informing the user that their browser is out of date while providing links to download newer, more optimal browser choices. Proper Network Activation is a small utility for MultiSite, which ensures that plugins are correctly activated accross your network.

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 4/1

April 1st, 2011
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Disable XMLRPC Methods allows you to only enable/disable the specific XML-RPC methods you need. Latest Tweets Tooltip allows you to show the latest tweets about a certain word or phrase in a draggable and resizable jQuery tooltip window. Updated plugins Health Check will perform a number of checks on your WordPress install to detect common configuration errors and known issues. Posts 2 Posts is a foundational plugin that allows you to create connections directly between posts of any type. WordPress Beta Tester provides an easy way to get involved with Beta testing WordPress.

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 3/28

March 28th, 2011
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Affiliate Links Manager helps you create friendly affiliate redirects and track them in Google Analytics. Onswipe makes it insanely easy to make your content look great on all touch devices, currently limited to iPads, but there will be more in the future. Updated plugins BackWPup allows you to backup your WordPress database, files, and more. jQuery Drop Down Mega Menu Widget allows you to quickly and easily create drop down mega menus from any WordPress custom menu. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin displays a list of related entries on your site and feeds based on a unique algorithm.

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 3/24

March 24th, 2011
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Dynamic Content Widget will render content (such as pages and posts), using a template in your theme. SwiftDynamicThumbs prevents WordPress from generating thumbnails registered by themes and plugins, and generates them dynamically when required. UI Labs offers experimental WordPress admin UI features with the aim of building upon and enhancing the default WordPress User Interface. These are unofficial core UI experiments – who knows what could happen? Updated plugins BFT Autoresponder Lite is a sequential autoresponder which allows you to send automated email messages to users who subscribe to your mailing list. Category Listings outputs the most recent posts from the category of the post that is currently being displayed. Flexi Quote Rotator displays quotes, testimonials, or other rotating snippets of content. Front-end Editor enables “edit in place” functionality on your site. WPtouch automatically transforms your WordPress blog into an iPhone application-style theme, complete with ajax loading articles […]

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 3/20

March 20th, 2011
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Genesis Simple Headers lets you use the WordPress Appearance -> Header functionality to upload a custom logo or header for your site using the Genesis Theme Framework. jQuery Slick Menu Widget creates sticky, sliding menu widgets from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. User Spam Remover automatically removes spam user registrations and other old, never-used user accounts. It also blocks the notification e-mail that WordPress normally sends to the administrator whenever a new user registers and logs it instead. Updated plugins AVH Extended Categories Widgets gives you multiple widgets for displaying categories. One is a replacement of the default category widget to allow for greater customization. The second is a Top Categories widget, which is only available in WordPress 2.8 and higher, and there is a third for displaying a new option called Categories Groups. HubSpot for WordPress allows WordPress users to take advantage of HubSpot lead […]

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 3/16

March 16th, 2011
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Category Listings outputs a list of posts enclosed in a set of DIV tags – the class for this DIV can be configured in the admin options. IE6 Countdown shows the IE6 countdown banner from Microsoft to visitors using IE6. Updated plugins AddThis allows any visitor to bookmark and share your site easily with many popular services. Vibe SEO Pack runs an SEO audit for each one of your posts or pages and suggests what should be improved for a better ranking. WP Customer Reviews allows your customers and visitors to leave reviews or testimonials of your services.

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 3/12

March 12th, 2011
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Jetpack supercharges your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of jQuery Vertical Mega Menu can handle multiple vertical mega menus per page, offers 3 different animation effects and speeds for displaying the mega menu and can select the flyout direction – left or right. Updated plugins OSM displays maps in your WP-blog using the OpenLayers technology – no API key is needed. Taxonomy Drill-Down is a plugin that lets you make use of the advanced taxonomy querying capabilities introduced in WordPress 3.1.

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 3/8

March 8th, 2011
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Blogroll to Page outputs your blogroll links to any page or post on your blog by using its ‘blogroll-to-page’ custom short code. Facebook Like Thumbnail will set the first image of the post as the thumbnail which shows up on FB like and share. Updated plugins DukaPress is an open source and free to use e-commerce platform. Mute Screamer uses PHPIDS to detect attacks on your WordPress site and reacts in a way that you choose. Posts By Tag provides sidebar widgets which can be used to display posts from a specific set of tags in the sidebar.

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