Posts Tagged ‘wordpress themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 11/26


Connections Reloaded v3 Connections Reloaded is a two column, fixed width theme derived from the Connections theme by Patricia Müller. The theme is gravatar ready, widget ready (with custom widgets) with support for custom header images and SEO titles and a options page for easy customization. BlueBubble Two column, widget ready theme with a ready made jQuery/PHP based contact form and an options page for easy customization BlogStarter BlogStarter is an emptied out WordPress theme that can be used as a starting point for custom themes. Version 2.0 has some great improvements, including compatibility up to WordPress 2.8.6, a cleaned up CSS system, and a re-organized functions.php Be My Guest Be My Guest supports widget, threaded-comments, theme-options and translation is ready. Also including page-navigation with multi level dropdown menu.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 11/21


THF204 Three column, simple clean theme with two widgetised sidebars. BlackLens BlackLens is a black, white and pink theme with a floral decoration in the top right of the page. Its a two column theme with a left sidebar and support for widgets. Filmix It supports gravatars, is widget-ready, Adsense-ready, dark, modern and clean. Tiki Time 3-columns, widget-ready, Adsense-ready, and supports gravatars The Hives Three column, widget ready theme with a rotating carousel, lifestream and related posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 11/19


Aureola A free magazine style WordPress theme to show your content on a smooth layout. BrandNew Folio Two column, fixed width theme with support for gravatars, widgets and a customizable homepage. wpClassifieds wpClassifieds is a free WordPress theme that transform your wordpress blog into a classified ads site similar to Craigslist or OLX. 5 Travel-Inspired WordPress Themes Five single column and multiple column themes inspired with some things travel. Bold Life Bold Life is 2 columns light, widget ready WordPress theme. MiniCard MiniCard is a social network/business card WordPress theme inspired by Tim Van Damme’s website. The theme lets you add links to all the social networking sites you may be a member of, and post useful information such as bio’s and contact details. It also has built in hCard support and (optionally) lets you offer a vCard for visitors to download your contact information.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 11/14


Base Simple two column theme with shades of blue that you can use to customize your site Martial Arts Lover A nice, clean, dark and simple wordpress theme with one right sidebar. 5 Girl-Inspired Free WordPress Themes Set of five two column, widget ready themes WP Commerce Flex It features a variety of options, solid SEO-friendly CSS layout that is easily customizable, and built for seamless integration with PHPbay and PHPZon. Polka Dots It’s widget-ready, adsense-ready, and 3-columns.  Colors: brown, white, aqua, green, chartreuse, yellow, orange, red.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 11/09


Glassical Two column, fixed width theme with support for the WP Pagenavi plugin. This theme was designed with the main focus being on typography, clean look and simplicity. Coffee Lite Coffee Lite Theme is a minimalist blogging theme modded from the popular premium theme Coffee Break from WooThemes. New York Two column, fixed width, widget ready theme with inbuilt support for Twitter and 125×125 ads with a theme options page Greenxi Two columns, flexible width, base colors green and white, custom gravatar, widget ready (sidebar and footer)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 11/03


ExtizeMe A WordPress theme written mostly in JavaScript. Layout, behavior and look&feel are made with Ext Js Library ThrillingTheme Two column theme with three widget ready areas and available in three color schemes. Color3 Colorful clean and stylish theme with two columns, right sidebar dropdown menu and widget-ready. Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get these listed in our release posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 10/30


Ines BuddyPress The Ines BuddyPress WP theme, edgy styles for a BuddyPress powered site with the brandnew Ines BuddyPress Theme, featuring a three column fluid layout, enabled with options panel, widgetized sidebars and footers, flickr support, pagenavi support, frontpage slider, orelated posts and recent comments are built into the theme. cleanPRESS Two column, feature rich theme with support for featured articles, post options and twitter options Bare Minimum This theme uses the bare minimum files that are needed for a WordPress theme – The theme uses no CSS and contains everything needed to run the theme in index.php. Moi Magazine Moi Magazine is a free 2 column magazine style WordPress Theme. It looks very modern and elegant from the front end and offering vast Admin options at the back end. With wide variety of tune able Theme options in the admin menu you don’t need to edit .php files manually […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 10/25


WP Full Site A Hybrid child theme built for small businesses that that is tailored towards the basics of gaining customers. THATSimple Two column theme with a custom header and theme options Furvious This beautiful theme has 5 different style to choose from with built-in related post, pagination and others – customizable through its cool Theme Options page. Boxpulse Two-column Hybrid child theme that offers a certain elegance and includes a template made specifically for the included slider. Modern Blue Dark Modern Blue Dark is a sleek, modern design in blue with a dark background and Web 2.0-inspired wraparound headings. Widget-ready, gravatar-enabled, and set to download. Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get it featured in these posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 10/20


wpFolio Two column, widget ready theme available in five colors twitter feed, Jquery featured carousel and a help document. Modern Style Two column theme with an options page and two 125×125 banner ads in the sidebar ready for use accompanied by social networking icons. WordPress Debug Theme This is a theme with a difference. This theme will help you debut your blog in case there is a problem. NOTE: This is not for live sites. Blue Steel The Blue Steel WP theme, spruced corporate style for a WP powered site with the brandnew revamped Blue Steel WordPress Theme theme, featuring a two column fixed layout, third and spiced up version of the Blue Steel 3.17 WordPress Theme, enabled with flickr support, pagenavi support, frontpage slider, options panel, related posts and recent comments are built into the theme. Are you a theme author? If so, read how you can submit your […]

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