Posts Tagged ‘wordpress themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 10/15


TypographyWP v2 An improved version of Typography with more options and cleaner sidebars. Available in five colors schemes. Adsense ready Three column adsense ready theme with ready ad-blocks in the sidebar. Serious Blogger 2 columns light, widget ready wordpress theme. This theme entirely compatible with wordpress version 2.8 Minali Two column, widget ready, with support for threaded comments

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WordPress Theme Releases for 10/07


Semiologic Multiple column, feature rich theme with support for advanced templates, panels and header picker Mystique Mystique is a free WordPress theme that attempts to top commercial templates in terms of design and functionality. Some of the features include 3 theme widgets (Sidebar tabs, Twitter posts and Flickr gallery), page templates with different layout styles and many more theme options… Minimalist Love Two column, widget and gravatar ready theme Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get them listed in these posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 09/30


Adsense Ready Three column, widget and gravatar ready theme with Google Custom Search integrated. Rente Two column, widget ready, fixed width theme Gray and Square A gray, square and smart WordPress theme with eight color schemes Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get listed in these posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 09/24


Elegante Two column, widget ready theme with sIFR support and highlighting of search keywords CopyBlogger Upgraded This is an updated version of the redundant, but very popular Copyblogger theme that was once originally used by Brian Clark of Copyblogger dot com. It now supports Threaded comments and other WordPress 2.8 features. The default look can be changed to a more modern layout with a few clicks of the mouse in the Custom CSS file  where most of the customizations are done. Still as SEO friendly as the original. Channel Three/four column, widget ready, gravatar ready theme with automatic thumbnail creation, Flickr and feedburner support and a theme control panel Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get listed in these release posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 09/23


Simple Organization A simple and elegant theme suitable for organizations. Supporting widgets and nested comments. Daily Minefield Multi-column fixed-width theme in brown, black and a touch of green includes 4 widgetized footer sections. Featuring an Author Info page and gravatars along with Custom Archives, Sitemap and Full-Width No Sidebars page templates. There is an options page for setting the text in the Info Text Box. Parchment Draft A very basic 2 column fixed-width theme in reminiscent of old parchment paper. Featuring an Author Info page and gravatars along with Custom Archives, Sitemap and Full-Width No Sidebars page templates. Wavefront WaveFront provides calm yet stylish layouts customized for basic CMS functionality with several custom page templates including a no-sidebar front page (Front Page template) with three bottom boxes. The theme also has a list of hidden features and extra content that can be turned on and off by editing the template […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 09/19


Bruce WPmu buddypress The Bruce WPmu BuddyPress theme, fully loaded WPmu theme design for a WPmu powered site with the Bruce theme, featuring a multi column fluid layout, enabled with theme option panel, pagenavi support, frontpage slider, related posts, recent comments with gravatars are built into the theme. Victoriana This is a two-column wordpress theme, a highly customized theme. It has theme options to let you customize the font, sidebar position (left or right), post background color, sidebar background color and the link colors Celestial Aura Celestial Aura V2.0 is an SEO-friendly free three column WordPress theme with left and right sidebars. They can accommodate blocks of Wide Skyscraper width (160×600). It has a beautiful cosmic header with a slick menu bar elegantly blended in a sky blue background. The article area is suitable for a adsense banner ad of 468×60 pixels. Palmixio WP theme with 2 column layout, custom […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 09/17


Coralis Coralis is a three column WordPress theme with two Sidebars on the right side. This free theme is widget-ready and SEO optimized. This light weight theme has been designed to accommodate 125×125 Adsense blocks in the left sidebar and a Wide Skyscraper Ad (160×600) in the right sidebar. The Favicon of this theme can be easily replaced with your own. Elegant A simple but elegant looks wordpress theme. Valid XHTML, 2 column dark theme, widget ready. Also available are the other themes by the same author. Travel Three column, widget ready theme with two right sidebars. BerryPress Two-columns wordpress theme, inspired by blackberry 7230’s vodafone theme, has a cool sidebar with accordion style widget. Page not in English

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WordPress Theme Releases for 09/13


Xioletter Two columns, widget ready (sidebar and footer), custom gravatar, flexible width, threaded comments, theme options, custom header, easy to customize, into options page you can insert a logo image, setting title and description or title and random articles excerpt, or if you prefer disabled all if you want modify the code manually in the header.php page. FashionPress Widget ready, gravatar ready theme, compatible with WP 2.8 and support for Feedburner, Twitter and Flickr PaperWork Three column theme with both left and right sidebar inspired by the days gone past Grunge King Two column dark theme, elegant, yet messy Corporate Life Two column, widget ready theme available in three skins

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WordPress Theme Releases 09/09


Elevate Elevate is a two column theme designed mainly for personal blogging focusing on typography and spacing to achieve maximum readability around the content. Onyx This is a one- or two-column wordpress theme, a highly customised theme. It has theme options to let you customise the font, the link colours, the post categories, the additional content categories, twitter username/login, and search inclusion. Soothing Theme A lightweight, fast loading Theme with clean typography and color schemes that is very easy and soothing on the eyes.  WordPress 2.8 compatible. The Home page displays post excerpts which retains all html formats so links and pictures are all intact and are displayed with the excerpt. Pictures are displayed as arrays so the first picture in the post will always be the one displayed. Digital Business Card 5 social networks built in (and 50+ more included as alternatives that you can add if you’d like) […]

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