Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 2/23


xMark is a fully fluid 3-column, widget ready theme for WordPress providing users with a plug-n-play theme that does not require the need to know the technicalities of coding. Hong Kong is a WordPress Theme with widget enabled RH sidebar. Black background & funky neon. psd included for header. Empowered Red is an adsense ready two column theme with a red color combination. Logistix is a template by and Mandarin Musing based on design by Free CSS Templates. Sheep Theme is a two column, widget ready theme by Zeebob. Seasons Flashed is a dark theme based on Kubrick with added AJAX Comments and a Dynamic Flash header by Ekta Paneri Valentine is a two column theme dedicated to all people fallen in love and to the Valentine’s Day. 16 Adsense Optimized WordPress templates is a collection of WordPress theme resources for AdSense optimized themes for WordPress.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/22


Citrus Island is a 3 columns, Fixed width, widget ready WordPress template by and Mandarin Musing based on design by Styleshout. Cleaker is a three column with a blue and green shade. Green-Kupy is a two column fixed width theme by PinkSEO. CityScape is a two column widget ready theme with custom header support based on the template by Free CSS Templates. XiAP has released three themes viz. Tucana, Cepheus and Pyxis. jd-nebula is a two column widget ready theme by John Doe. Bluelinerc is a fluid width, 3 column widget ready theme with a soft color scheme by GPS Gazette. AndrewE has released Pure and Simple, Curiosity, Tarkovsky and Blue Circle.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/21


JD Sky is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme for WordPress. Natural Essence is a two column, light brown and white, fixed width widget ready theme. Sacred Icon is a brown widget compatible, two column theme.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/20


Miss Liberty is a two column, widget ready patriotic theme by Ivan Minic featuring Statue of Liberty and Central Park; uses tables. Old Fuenteria is a two column theme with a vintage style and uses Headlines Image plugin to replace titles with images. Sunflower is a two column, widget ready theme with a sunflower field in the header. HemingwayEx is feature added version of Hemingway with support for asides, UTW, horizontal navigation among others. Glow is a three columnm widget ready WordPress theme with two right-hand sidebars.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/19


Fluid2 is a 3 column wordpress widget friendly theme with a fluid layout based on a template by Dave. Nature is a two column theme with a green header. TheSpeedBlog is a fun two column WordPress theme with a widget enabled right-hand sidebar. Great for a motor racing fan of any kind. Adsense theme is a widget ready theme filled with Adsense ads. Salt and Pepper is a three column, fixed width, widget ready theme by Headsetoptions. geepressed is a simple, green, two column Theme for WordPress 2.0/2.1. Space Future is a search engine optimized two column theme. Blueline is a 3 column widget ready theme by GPS Gazette with one sidebar on the right and one to the left of the content area that uses a soft color scheme and very few images.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/17


D3S1GN 5ive RedBlue is a 5 Static Columns Weblog Theme by Chris A. Gerlach The Spring v2 is a two column, fixed width theme with widget support by Headsetoptions. SoftGreen, based on a template by Salted Sugar, is a two column, green and white template with widget support. Enlighten is a two column, widget ready theme by Ibrahim Faour based on the template by Styleshout.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/16


Webby is a WordPress Theme with 2 columns a clean design. Molio Type E is the second version of Mollio. The theme has a two column layout with right hand sidebar with widget support. Black Che Grafitti is a black wordpress theme with a “Che Guevara” grafitti in the header. Blogaholic Blue is a two column, rounded edge, modern looking, blue theme for WordPress with a top menu and a funky header graphic. SEO Theme is a two column fixed width theme built for better search engine results. Sand Points is a two column colorful theme named after the graphical points in the header.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/15


The Spring by MandarinMusing is a two column fixed width theme in green with a “rosy” header. BlogCut has released two free WordPress Themes, “Sunflower” and “Refueling”. X-Caliber is a simple widget ready, two column theme for WordPress. NonPro565 is a two column, fixed width, widget ready WordPress theme by Ekta Paneri, based on 565 by Douglas Bowman. Blossom is a two column, widget compatible based on a template by Free CSS Templates. Wiii is a two column, fixed width theme by Peterandrej inspired by Nintendo Wiii. Small Potato has released a set of new themes. Mollio Type B is a two column, top menu, left sidebar, widget ready theme for WordPress from Kaushal. Demo here.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/14

responses has a collection of WordPress themes available in different colors. Milo has released Ocean Blue, Reds and Hitch. RockinBlue is a clean, sleek, customizable, two column WordPress theme. Sangre is a two column, fixed width theme with a red color scheme by Ivan Garcia Blixed is Blix with custom image header and widget support along with other minor modifications. Stalingrad is a two column theme in red with widget support. Tigopedia is a three column theme based on Tiga, configurable via the admin, with adsense and gravatar

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