Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 6/13


Bruce is a three column fluid layout theme that is widget ready with multiple columns at the front page. There is also a cross fader built in. Row is a also a three column fluid layout theme in the magazine style with two mini loops displaying two separate categories. Both themes are artsy and designed by Milo. Dimension is a two column, somewhat two dimensional theme for WordPress designed in gray and black. Lovecraft is a three column, blocky simple, colorful and widget ready theme for WordPress. It is Garry’s first theme. Ministry is a two column, wide, clean and clear theme for WordPress in shades of lighter blue. The design reminds me of some Drupal themes. Gathering has been updated from the inside out. Now it is a modern, subdued theme with two columns, a fixed width, sidebar widgets ready, and will work with WordPress 2.0 and above. Stockholm […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 6/08


Pride is a three column, hybrid, rounded edge, lighweight, blue and yellow theme for WordPress that is very Blogger-esque. The theme elements have a comic like quality and looks very polished. Pride is authored by Small Potato and is released under the GPL. Prosumer is a three column, widget ready, white background, somewhat bare theme for WordPress by Jauhari. The “somewhat bare”ness of the theme is made up by the nicely placed accent graphics and the smooth flow of the theme. Clean Copy is a widget ready, two column, well spaced out, somewhat light theme for WordPress with blue and white colors and five random header graphics. SilkStream is a dark, three column, blue on black theme from Milo. It is widget ready, has a sideblog , recent comments, related posts and flickr RSS. Spiritual Journey is a three column, left and right sidebar, widget ready theme for WordPress with […]

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How important is search?


Very important! If you have noticed, I wrote up a small heat map to be displayed in the sidebar and on the main search page of this blog. The search and data collection process is a slightly intelligent and tries to match up search terms and group them by usage. It then chooses all searches performed within the past 24 hours and displays them in a heatmap sorted by propensity of the search phrase. The 24 hour time period keeps the search phases in the heatmap turned over regularly and retains the interest of returning visitors. Why did I do this? I put it together because I believe that there is a lot of power (and thus clicks, pageviews, eyeballs) in searches. I had noticed the Eurekster Swiki on TechCrunch and was impressed by the power of the system. I tried to emulate it on with little success. To […]

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Announcing The Sandbox Designs Competition


Last Tuesday, May 28, I released an update to the Sandbox theme, version 0.9. Since releasing the Sandbox back in August of 2006 Andy and I have received lots of good feedback. I called it “the theme for themers” and it has had a really positive influence on theme design within the WordPress community. There have been more than a few themes/designs built on the Sandbox and released—and for good reason. Its highly semantic, dynamic structure make it immensely easy to design for, not to mention all the features built into its markup, like Microformats. So I thought it was a good time for a new theme competition—or rather a “designs” competition. It has been around two years since the last successful WordPress theme competition (participants of the competitions in 2006 will roll their eyes and would include me). We’ve seen the launch of an official theme viewer, two major […]

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Security Alert: Vistered Little


If you or someone you know is using the Vistered Little theme from Windy Road, a vulnerability has been found and you need to upgrade your theme to version 1.7.3 as soon as possible  (or revert back to the another theme for the time being and delete the vistered little theme folder). The latest version that fixes the bug/vulnerability is 1.7.3 while versions 1.6a through 1.7.2 are all vulnerable.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/29


Impact is a fixed-width, 2 column theme with right sidebar, compatible with WP 2.2 Dream in Infrared is a fluid width, light on dark theme with lots of CMS features. “Soho” is a widget-ready WordPress theme designed with a three column fluid layout. Demo. Two mini loops are retrieving their posts from different categories at the frontpage. One loop in the main post showing latest post, one loop beneath the main area showing one post. “300” is a widget-ready WordPress theme with three columnd fluid layout and an edgy footer from 300. Two mini loops are retrieving their posts from different categories at the frontpage. One loop in the main post showing latest post, one loop beneath the main area showing one post. Deziner Folio is a two column, fixed width theme with support for several plugins. Rocking is a very light colored 3 column theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/28


Spiritual Journal is a two Column, widget ready, sharp and clean theme with a notebook feel, designed to be a personal journal for pastors, ministers and other believers. Soveryn is a three column, fixed width, widget ready theme. Greed is a 3 to 5 columns hybrid theme with 10 widget-ready sidebars, fixed-fluid width, rotatable columns, switchable banner and colors (via theme options page). It’s compatible with WordPress 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 and is also compatible with over two dozen plugins. Velle Elle is a 2 column theme with pink and white colour and talk bubble sidebar. LoveTime is a pink layout, 2 column with right sidebar, header and footer theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Darkstripe is a three column, fluid theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) One Night in Paris is a single column, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Ygo Sea is a 3 column wordpress theme with cool see type look […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/25


Ambient Glo is a Web 2.0 sleek, widget ready, three column theme with a modern, crisp look. Com64 is a fixed-width, 2 column with right sidebar theme, enabled for widgets and compatible with WP 2 upwards. Pretty Pink Celebrity is a two column, widget ready theme ideal for a girly blog. Daleri Dark is a dark and wide, two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. A Method of Life is a two column blue theme with adsense integration. (Contains Sponsored Links) Blunge is a two column, fixed width theme with a changeable header. (Contains Sponsored Links) YGo2.0 is a two column theme with neat and clean layout with big readable font with black and white as dominant color. (Contains Sponsored Links) Empire is a fixed width, two column brown theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/24


Victoria is a magazine-style WordPress theme with a classic feel, based on the DP Shiny Theme by Frazier Media. Posts are separated into two main columns with blog entries on the left and feature articles in the main top window and right-hand column. Copyblogger is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme, SEO optimized theme based on the original design Kolorful is a three column, fixed width theme, with print stylesheet and options page. YUI-Mainstream 750 is a two column, 750px wide version of YUI-Mainstream with widgetized sidebar and SEO Optimization. TechDesigns is a two columns, grey, fixed width, widget ready theme. TyreMonkey2 is a red & black 3 column theme with a mini cooper logo. (Contains Sponsored Links) Nature is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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