
How important is search?




  1. Arpit Jacob (8 comments.) says:

    Interesting I had Installed CrazyEgg on my blog a month back and I found that people used the search box a lot more than I had imagined. I am sure this would become a very popular plugin

  2. Pi (2 comments.) says:

    An interesting and useful plugin if ever there was one, which enhances google analytics in that visitors to the weblog can see what is of interest rather than just the admin. Aren’t these things called ‘clouds’ elsewhere? I think I saw the term on Technorati sometime ago, in which case Hot Clouds might fit, or something which reflects the 24 / 48 hour time span.

  3. Jean-Paul Horn (3 comments.) says:

    Very interesting indeed. Are these the internal search terms (from the search box) or keywords from the SERPS? I would love something like a landing page for people coming from Google that says: “Oh, it seems you searched for “”, these are our most relevant posts.

  4. Mark Ghosh (386 comments.) says:

    Jean-Paul: These are internal search terms.

  5. John P. (2 comments.) says:

    I’m running CrazyEgg right now on a blog and the search box is getting almost no use.

  6. DotSauce Domain Magazine (1 comments.) says:

    Wow, I removed my search form thinking nobody used it… quite a mistake that was. Thanks for the info.

  7. Arpit Jacob (8 comments.) says:

    @john. I guess it depends on your theme I have a very visible and large searchbox on the side bar. :D by the way your blog’s on they dont allow third party scripts :D

  8. Jim Duncan (1 comments.) says:

    This would be a great plugin for my blog. Search gives some of the best insight into what readers are looking for, and could help me target my writing to answer those questions.

  9. Rasmus (10 comments.) says:

    As a bit of a stats freak, I LOVE this idea!

    As a professional developer working on maintaining and developing the search function on a large site, I can really see the potential in this functionality.

    I’m very much looking forward to the release of this plug-in.

  10. N. Johnson (1 comments.) says:

    I’m pretty sure nobody uses the search function on my blog; that’s easy to say because I only have 2 regular readers. But this would make a great WordPress plugin, and I can’t wait until (if?) it’s released.

  11. John P. (2 comments.) says:

    @arpit….I usually link to my personal blog rather than the self hosted blog I run.

  12. Chris (2 comments.) says:

    Combined with WP-Zeitgeist and it could get really interesting.

    That one tracks what searches brought people TO the blog.

  13. gustav s (1 comments.) says:

    I do agree, searching is very important, for example on my self development blog which slowly keeps growing makes more than sense to look at pages using searches and also more if they will make me some money using adsense

  14. Dave Forde (1 comments.) says:

    This would be a great plugin, and you are totally right about the “power of searches.”

  15. Monika (40 comments.) says:

    if it is a *daily news* blog I don’t use search.
    But here I use it.

    if search is absolut necessary for a blog or a website is direct proportional to the topic of this blog or website.

    and sometimes I would like to use the search but I can’t find the form – “simple search” is a wonderful plugin


  16. brVince (6 comments.) says:

    I do agree with search bar being displayed in the blog. How much more if it is google adsense generated search bar? it speaks about revenue…


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  2. […] searches with your search items and then, I assume, puts up their own Google Ads in the searches. I happen to think search statistics are very important for a blogger to understand user trends, likes and dislikes. I noticed Lijit for the first time while reading […]

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