What WordPress is to Blogging, Firefox is to browsing, so what happens when we can get both of them to get together? WordPress personas for Firefox 🙂
[Continue Reading...]What WordPress is to Blogging, Firefox is to browsing, so what happens when we can get both of them to get together? WordPress personas for Firefox 🙂
[Continue Reading...]The WordPress Blog came out with some good news for the Open source and GPL community. Matt Mullenweg has officially started out the WordPress Foundation, a charitable organization to democratize publishing through Open Source, GPL software.
[Continue Reading...]Matt Mullenweg, the founding developer of WordPress celebrated his birthday yesterday. He turned a year younger and is now 26 years old.
[Continue Reading...]A few days back, Jeff had told you about WordPress 2.9.1 being around the corner. The WordPress team has worked hard to get it out of the doors and a beta version of WordPress 2.9.1 is now available for downloads. It fixes bugs with scheduled posts and pingbacks which some users had been facing, due to a bug in curl.
[Continue Reading...]While I was going through the developer feed on WordPress, I saw a pretty interesting thing, which could mean that WordPress 2.9 will be out pretty soon.
[Continue Reading...]The WordPress.com has announced that mobile friendly themes will be turned on by default for all WordPress.com blogs. Blogs will be displayed using 2 themes, based on the type of phone used for browsing.
[Continue Reading...]If you are a WordPress user, WordPress now have their own URL shortening service in the form of WP.me, short and sweet right.
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