Since there are a couple of interesting news items, I have consolidated them into one post. The Blogging World is agog over the (confirmed) news that Feedburner is being bought out by Google for 100 million. My congratulations to the Feedburner team and the VCs who thought this was a good investment. However, I have also been reading some disturbing rumors/thoughts that Feedburner might inject Google Ads into feeds. I cannot see Google imposing this on Feedburner users but if they do, they will lose me as a user. I choose to keep my feeds ad free and I will look elsewhere. Google is reported to be cracking down on websites and blogs that have little content and lots of ads (or made for adsense type websites, a form of arbitrage). The NY Post reports that a number of users have been notified of being dropped from the AdSense program. […]
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