Posts Tagged ‘wordpress themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 09/05


Sol Sol is a fixed-width, two column Thematic child theme with a focus on attractive and clear typography. It is fully widgetised and plugin ready FabricPress Two column, widget ready theme available in three color schemes Just Grey 3-column flexible-width theme in gray and blue. Featuring an Author Info page and gravatars along with Custom Archives, Sitemap and Full-Width No Sidebars page templates. There is an options page for setting the text in the Info Text Box. Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get listed in these releases.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 09/01


Pure Magazine Pure Magazine WordPress theme is, as its name suggests, theme with pure, minimalistic and usable layout, structured to focus readers attention on content and ads, rather than designer graphics. It is built for large news sites that want to highlight important content and retain readers after their first visit. Pesta Blogger Two column, widgetized theme with ability to resize images on the fly, designed with the CSS framework. Simple Magazine A simple and lightweight magazine styled theme. Supporting two sidebars, widgets and nested comments. There is a two column version available as well. Featuring Two column theme, with Jquery navigation menu, automatic resize of pictures from index page using TimThumb, wordpress 2.7+ comments compatible, but will also work for older versions. Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get listed in these posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/30


Eximius Eximius is a three column WordPress theme with left and right Sidebars. This free theme is widget-ready and SEO optimized. With simple yet elegant looks, Eximius is a very lightweight theme and loads quite fast in any browser. The two Sidebars can accommodate Wide Skyscraper Ads (160×600). Eximius has a textured navigation menu bar with integrated search box. Persephone Persephone is a WordPress theme, two-column, dark background, with a right sidebar, compatible with WordPress version 2.7 upwards, and all ready for paged and threaded comments. 3 styles to choose from – good old blue, red, green… F2 F2 is a fast loading fluid width theme for WordPress. Customizable header, any of the two sidebars can be optionally turned off, and much more options in the settings page. Compatible with WordPress 2.8 and above. Visiting Card A quick mini site with links to social networking sites. The theme comes with […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/26


Hot News Today Three columns, widget ready theme ready for WordPress 2.8. Also check out Ads Minded. Khaki It’s a 3 Column Split, widget-ready theme in dark-hues of green and khaki. Fixed width featuring Custom Archives, Sitemap and Full-Width No Sidebars page templates. There is an options page for setting the text in the Info Text Box. Shine A clean dark three column theme, built with customization in mind. SEO friendly and semantically built using the Carrington Framework. Broken Heart Crane Two columns, fluid width, widget ready theme with nested comments Are you a WordPress theme author? Submit your theme to get listed in these release posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/22


Empty Canvas Empty Canvas is a two column, minimalist widget ready theme Red XHTML Two column, widget ready, red, white and grey theme Simple Magazine A simple and lightweight magazine styled theme. Two column, fixed width with support for widgets and nested comments. Scuola Mondo’s SEO WordPress Theme A minimalist, one-column, fluent and widgetized SEO WordPress theme with sidebar at the bottom of the page. The colours can be modified and an Avatar functionality is already built-in template. Swift Two column WordPress theme designed for high speed loading with four widgetized sections available in eight color schemes. Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to us to get it listed in these posts.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/18


Outdated Two column fixed width WordPress theme with some admin options at the back end. So Fresh A right sidebar theme that is nice and clean with emphasis on stunning typography. Jade JADE is a 3 column dark WordPress theme with left and right sidebars. This SEO optimized theme has been designed to accommodate a Wide Skyscraper (160×600) in the left sidebar and two 125×125 Ad Units in the right sidebar. Old Memories Two column white and grey, widget ready theme. Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get listed out here.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/14


Ringbinder Ringbinder has been updated; is a free WordPress theme, two-column, with a right sidebar, it’s now compatible with WordPress version 2.7 upwards, and all set for threaded comments Old Popular Yolk Old Popular Yolk is a free WordPress theme that is easy to customise and minimal, featuring a print stylesheet and some exciting CSS3 treats. Supports threaded comments for WordPress 2.7 and beyond. Aligned to a vertical and horizontal grid, with a whiff of the International Typographic Style wpShow [removed, premium theme] wpShow is a video theme for your blog enables you to feature videos as posts alongside with the regular blog posts. Widget and gravatar ready and supports three different styles. Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get listed in these releases.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/12


Metisca Metisca is a 2-column right sidebar SEO optimized theme designed especially for Google Adsense 336×280 Ad unit and commonly available 300×250 Ad Units from Advertisers. The header has a simple yet elegant look with pearl white title and slogan text over a beautiful Sky Blue background. Electric XHTML Two column, widget ready theme in black Dark Side A dark colored, two column, widget ready and WordPress 2.5-2.8 compatible WordPress theme. Also, check out Enlighten from the same author. Playground A two column theme that comes widget ready. With Sociable and WP-PageNavi plugins preloaded. Using a green-brown color scheme. IMYJ Simple two column theme in white, with black text, and blue links.

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Convert PSD Files To WordPress Themes

August 7th, 2009
WordPress Tips

WordPress themes are enhance the look and feel of the blog and kudos to all those theme developers who spend time to dish out those wonderful themes.

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