Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 3/05


Ahem, based on Hemmed is a 2-column, widget-ready theme with navigation bar and Hemmingway-style bottom bar. Green Thoughts is a three column, green and black WordPress theme inspired by Half-Life and Green Lantern. Puritan is a clean two column WordPress theme suitable for extending with stylesheets for print and handheld devices, proper use of title for better SEO among other features. Little Red Star has released New Day, Rock Princess and Neon Nights. and Mandarin Musing have released Butterfly and Rubyx. Lifebits is a minimalist theme designed for WordPress with smart screen-resolution detection and ajax search.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/03


ColourFull Wall is a black minimalist theme, highly customisable, lightning fast, easy to deploy and use while supporting the vast majority of plugins out there. It is SEO optimised coming with a built-in sitemap and archives page template. More little nifty goodies are built down into it like some quick shooting stats of the blog and bookmark link in the posts. Studiengang-Verzeichnis has released three themes viz. Theme1, Blue and Clean and Red and Clean. Psalm 8 is a two column widget ready theme by Joni.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/02


RockinPaper 3 Column is a blue and grey, clean and simple widgetized theme designed with a newspaper flair for reading and customization. RockinSoft is an elegant 2 column widgetized theme with rounded corners and soft colors. Bubbles is a two column theme available in four colors with and without adsense.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/01


RockinBizRed is a very clean, sleek, 2 column, widgetized theme designed with business blogs in mind using a nice red and gray color scheme. Note is a two column, widget ready theme reminiscent of a notice board or jotter. Klate2 is an update to the Klate theme based on the latest build of k2. It’s a minimalistic funky and retro theme with a pull out ajax shelf fat footer and includes sidebar modules. For WordPress 2.1 only. digitalPixel is a two-column widget-included theme based on K2 for wordpress. Includes custom-headers and Sidebar modules, live commenting and search, and other bits and pieces. Pride is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme by Ekta Paneri. Dropshadow is a two column, widget ready theme. Julian Klewes has released bonsai and corporateFK.

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For Theme Authors


My primary responsibility out here at Weblog Tools Collection is to keep a close eye on WordPress plugin and theme releases. One of the places I check regularly for theme releases is the WordPress Theme Viewer. I also keep track of updates via Google Alerts and more importantly our News section. I’ve lost track of the number of themes that I have downloaded, read about and previewed. While doing this, I have observed several different methods of promotion and distribution of themes by their authors; some highly effective and some so bad that I have had no option but to ignore the release. This WordPress Codex page has an indepth explanation on starting off with themes for public release to promoting them and is a recommended read. In this post I hope to address a few points that every theme author should consider when releasing a public theme. The Theme […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/28


Evanescence is a neat looking theme with two column fluid width layout and a widget ready right hand sidebar. Black-N-White is two column, widget ready theme. cgreen are two column, widget ready themes Headsetoptions and MandarinMusing. Wood is a two column, widget ready theme with a wood background. RockinBiz is a clean and sleek theme designed for business blogs and websites.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/27


Internet-Sharing is a two column theme with widget support, custom classes and admin configuration based on a template by Solucija. Themey has released Apples and Reflection. RockinBlueGreen is a simple, 2-column (right sidebar) theme with rounded corners and a nice blue and green color scheme. TechmaniaWP is a two column widget ready theme based on a template by StyleShout. Four Blank WordPress Themes is a set of four templates which contain the CSS needed to position the header, footer, sidebar and main content area. Ideal of those starting off with a new theme design. WP-Multiflex-3 is a WordPress theme based on the Multiflex-3 design by Wolfgang featuring widgetised sidebars, a widgetised header and is fully prepared for localisation by editing just 1 file. Garden is a four column Zen style with fluid width, custom header, background and icons and widget support. Coincidence is a two column fixed width, widget ready […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/26


Surfer is a two column widget ready theme. Quicklime is a three columned, widget ready theme with a lime green feel to it. The Space Theme is a 2 column theme for WordPress, using dark colours and transparency effects to achieve an effective mysterious space look. Credit Cards is a two column, widget ready WordPress theme with a right-hand sidebar. Grab A Theme has released Fleur and Mawar.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 2/24


RockinBlue is a 3 Column is a modern, clean and sleek theme by Cory Miller designed for reading and customization. BlogCut has released two free WordPress Themes, “Road to Heaven” and “Worn”. Road to Heaven is a clean and clear theme while Worn has an aged look to it. Vertigo Squared is a modern, 2-column Widget-ready theme by Brian Gardner. Bare Redux is a simple single column fixed width theme by Matthew Trevino. cgreen is a two colum widget ready theme by Headsetoptions and MandarinMusing based on design by NodeThirtyThree.

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