Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 05/22


Ngatini is a widget ready, two column theme. Alike is a three column, widget ready and adsense ready theme. I like Windows is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. What the Hell is a two column, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Dark Carbon is a two column, blue, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/21


Dayvan is a two column, white and black and brown theme. Twister is a simple two column, widget ready theme. Cleanalicious is a clean, Web 2.0 trend-following, widget-ready WordPress theme. Easy to customize & very flexible to suit many bloggers’ needs. Based on the Dirtylicious Design by Arcsin. GenkiTheme is a clean and minimalistic, fluid 3-columns widget ready with a floating sidetab on the left. Bobbles is a widgetize 3 column unique wordpress theme. Dark shade skin with cloudy bobble effect and integrated with mybloglog and social network Gratisl is a nice and plain wordpress theme with right sidebar, header and footer. Gratisl is good for who likes big fonts. (Contains Sponsored Links) Bluezone is a fixed black and blue theme with a hint of bling. (Contains Sponsored Links) BlueCon is a fluid blue theme, simple as pie, and the lightest shades of blue. (Contains Sponsored Links) Mezzo is a […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/18


Prosense is a brown, three column, adsense ready WordPress theme. Prep School Uniform is a three column, green and brown theme. Opposite of Neon is a three column, dark theme. Estila is a two column fixed width Gravatar ready theme. TumbleJack is a simple lightweight, single column tumblelog theme for WordPress. Clean is a fluid Three column WordPress Theme/Template. The theme has been tested on WordPress 2.1.3 with Firefox and Safari, and IE. It validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.0, and supports several plugins. Silver Lexus is a three column, fluid width, widget ready theme. Southern Highlands is a three column, fluid width, widget ready theme. YGo Horizon brings golden yellow, blackish grey, and white to design this 3 column widget ready wordpress theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Oh Yeah is a simple two column, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/15


Spyker is a four column fluid layout on the fontpage, including a custom home php file with two posts retrieving from two different categories and flickr support built in. Single/Page view is three columns. ArchiTects is a three column fixed layout including sideblog in the sidebar and flickr support built in. Was: ImJTK is a good looking, two columns, fixed width theme. ReachOut and PressPlay are two column, fixed width themes. Dewanti’s Dandelion is a single column fixed width, widget ready theme. Skittlish is a fun, candy colored theme with seven color options. In addition, it has options for fluid or fixed widths, support for widgets and other plugins. YGo Loner is again a 3 column widget ready theme with black and grey as the dominating colors. Upstart Blogger Modio is a very clean, simple, spacious theme with a widget-ready sidebar, or CSS rollover sidebar. Clean Green is a simple […]

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Hark Ye Theme Authors!


A few months ago I wrote a post and made some suggestions on listing themes for public distribution on WeblogToolsCollection. While some do follow these guidelines (thanks!), most theme listings are annoyingly apathetic. Instead of a rant, I figure that I will write another post on getting your plugins and themes listed here on Weblog Tools Collection and on providing your best face to your audience. If you would like to submit a theme or a plugin for listing in our daily release posts, then do read the Submit News page for basic guidelines. The best method is to post your news in our News Forum. The news forum is heavily visited and that is the first place we check when looking for new plugins and theme releases. Infact, we list almost all the themes and plugins that are publihed in the News Forums. I say almost because some of […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/12


Swiss Cool is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme with the colors of the Swiss flag and with an expanded footer. Decayed is a dark trash style two-column, fixed width, widget ready WordPress theme. jquindlen has released four themes, viz. Blue Sun, Panoramic Mountain, Vintage Blog and VintageBlog Revised. (All Contain Sponsored Links) Almost Boxes is a simple, elegant theme with 4 colour options – Blue, Green, Grey and Red. (Contains Sponsored Links) Rockstar Punk Pink is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/11


Deliciously Blue is a two column, blue and white, widget ready theme. sumenep is a two column, widget ready theme with custom header support. RealEstate is a simple fixed width, two column theme. Hypnosis is a two column, blue, fixed width, widget ready theme. Mimetastic is a blue, minimalist, single-column, fluid width theme. It features a menu at the top of the page instead of a sidebar. Shinra is a fixed width, white and blue, 2 columns, widget ready theme. Clementine is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Open House is a Black, white and gray theme with a hint of orange. Features a silhouette of a house, curved lines and a cool background of archetectual layouts. Good for real estate-based blogs and sites. (Contains Sponsored Links) Teknophobia is a two column, maroon and black, adsense ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/09


Milo has three new WordPress themes and yet another three more. Generic 2.0 is a two column widget-ready theme based on various Web 2.0 inspirations. Daily Blog Tips is a clean, 2 columns theme. It is optimized for search engines and it is available in 4 colors. Tabellenabernichtwidgetlos is a one column, black & white, minimal theme with widget support. @NET is a Web 2.0 style, widget-ready, free WordPress theme designed for internet related blogs. Funky Melon is a light and playful two column theme which is quite unique and perfect for Summer. Features reds and greens and, of course, plenty of watermelon goodness. (Contains Sponsored Links) Scherzo is a two column, simple theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) 3cGlossy is a three column, professional theme, with AdSense support built in. (Contains Sponsored Links) Elite Circle is a sleek 2 column, adsense and widget ready WordPress theme with a right sidebar and […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/08


Simply Tree Light is a simple, imageless, widget-ready, 3-sidebar, 4-column design. Based on the light green and brown colors of a tree. Round and Round is a modern, 2-column, widget-ready, fixed width theme. Made of Cheese is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme based on a design by Free CSS Templates. NewBlue is a two column, blue, fixed width theme.

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