‘WordPress Tips’ Category

WP SEO Tips: How to actually build links – Part 3

April 2nd, 2007
WordPress Tips

This is part three of the Link Building series here on WeblogToolsCollection. I will be touching on some final thoughts of actually how to build links to your site. The initial first two posts were some background notes for everyone to learn about how linking works and how outbound linking works. I will touch on two major areas. What you should be doing and what you shouldn’t be doing. Link Building and what you should be doing Link building takes finesse, creativity, and social engineering. Why do I say social engineering? I say that because it takes networking and talking with new people. Be a friend, be a co-worker, be an associate. These are some of my secrets of how I’ve built my network of websites.

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WP SEO Tips: Outbound Linking Part 2

March 27th, 2007
WordPress Tips

This is part II of the Link Building series. (view Part I) Outbound Linking This article is going to briefly overview outbound linking and why it can be both good and bad. Don’t fret though, the third and last part of this series will conclude with how to actually manufacturer links to your site — the first two parts are preliminary background articles for those that are new to the industry of link building. Outbound linking is something some, even very good and amazing, SEOs overlook. When a search engine looks at your site, it looks at what sites are linking to you. But in that process of evaluating where to rank you, it also looks at what sites you are linking to. To throw out an example, let’s use Google Inside. It’s a site that talks about Google and touches on search engine news and other industry related news. […]

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WP SEO Tips: Link Building Part 1

March 19th, 2007
WordPress Tips

This will be a three part series on link building for your blog. The first question we must ask is: Why do links coming to my site matter? The short version of it is that links pointing at your site do matter. For Google, those links mean PageRank. For Yahoo! and MSN, they mean value and search placement. PageRank is an extensive algorithm that calculates how your site (and pages) should be ranked in the search results. The higher PageRank you have, more often than not, the higher your site will be in the results. This is not always entirely true because of how the algorithm actually works, but that is the general idea behind it. But again, why do I care about this PageRank? You are reading this because you want to learn more about how to optimize your site for search engines. That is exactly the purpose of […]

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WP SEO Tips: Design like a robot

March 12th, 2007
WordPress Tips

This article will be focused on how SEO should be a focus when designing a theme (for those that really care about the search engine traffic). Why should I design with SEO in mind? Think of a robot as the same thing as a human visitor. What’s the first thing it’s going to see? This article is going to be a little shorter and to the point. When you’re designing a theme, put the key links and elements you want a search engine to see, up in the top part of the theme. Here are two examples of good usage of header space (in the HTML, not in the actual design): http://cutline.tubetorial.com/ | view-source http://www.ginside.com/200..yword-search/ | view-source So what do these two examples do well? Exactly that. Both of these examples put the head links in the portion of the HTML which tells the search engines “hey, these are some […]

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Make AuctionAds Contextual


Mark announced the opening of AuctionAds yesterday. Make AuctionAds Contextual takes you through using UTW or Simple Tagging to generate the keywords for your ads.

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WP SEO Tips: Tag, You’re It

March 5th, 2007
WordPress Tips

Today we are talking about the actual code of the page. We will be touching on two points. Header Tags Meta Tags Header Tags First, lets give a little background to what are tags and why they are important. Think about it when you’re ready a book or a magazine. When you see a small excerpt, your eyes will almost always glance there first to see what it’s saying. Maybe in a newspaper there is a head line title that really catches your eye and draws in your interest. This is exactly what Header Tags (H tags) are meant for. When a search engine bot is looking at your page, it looks for the H tags (<H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, etc, up to H6) to find out what exactly is important about that page. So what can you do to emphasize these tags on your pages? I use some PHP […]

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Remove Paging from WordPress Archives

February 24th, 2007
HOW-TO, LinkyLoo, WordPress, WordPress Tips

Remove Paging from WordPress Archives provides code on how to remove paging from archives. The Home page and Feeds are excluded from this.

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WP SEO Tips: Structured Permalinks

February 19th, 2007
WordPress Tips

Permalinks are an important key for search engine optimization. Bots such as Googlebot have gotten a lot smarter where they can index links even if they’re using a query, such as example.com/?p=535, but that’s not search engine friendly at all. There are really two angles you can look at when setting up your permalinks. The first angle to look at it is from the Bot’s point of view (“POV”). The bot is looking at the permalink and it first tries to recognize what that page is about by what the permalink says. If a permalink just has domain.com/article/798724, the bot knows that it’s an article and…well, that’s about it really. But let’s say that you had something like what WLTC uses here: http://weblogtoolsc…gle-subscribers/. The bot knows that it’s about feedburner, google, subscribers, and that it’s an archived page on that site. Not to forget it also knows the date of […]

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Upgrading WordPress with SVN

February 15th, 2007
HOW-TO, LinkyLoo, WordPress, WordPress FAQs, WordPress Tips

Scot has written a Codex article on Installing/Updating WordPress with SVN. This is ideal for those who have svn installed on their server or use an svn binary. The guide covers using tracking trunk versions as well as just stable versions of WordPress.

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