2 Column Themes

WPFreemium is a two column theme widget-ready theme designed for multi-authored blogs. I integrated full gravatar support into all posts, author profiles and comments.

Greeny2.0 is a 2 column widget-ready theme. The theme has a web2.0 look and uses different flavors of the green color.
WP Garden

WP Garden is a beautiful two column widget ready theme which has a nice looking header and footer. The theme makes use of green colors for the links.
Update: Theme Link and Thumbnail removed for reported Copyright Issues with header Image
StudioPress is a two column WordPress theme crafted for photographers. StudioPress comes in two varieties – black and white.

Mini-wp is a pownce look-a-like theme which is for people who don’t like to post long blog. The sidebar is empty and only contains a note about the author.

Andrea is a beautiful 2 column theme which makes use of the blue color. The theme is simple and looks appealing to the eyes.
Three Column Themes
Aviation Journal
Aviation Journal is a simple, three column, widget-ready WordPress theme. Also includes a random header image script.

Serenity is a three column WordPress theme. Widget ready, with a Site Map and no sidebar template, as well as custom 404 page.
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