SodaHead Polls Create a free poll for your blog with images and a fully customized look in seconds. Advanced Tagline Advanced Tagline gives the option to have multiple taglines for your blog and display them at random or sequentially with each page view. I created it mainly to learn how to write WordPress plugins and also to familiarize myself a bit with MooTools. ISIS Ad Management ISIS is a widget for wordpress, you can use it to Display 125*125 Ads in your sidebar. wp-syntax-rettke Out of the box, WP-Syntax colors code using the default GeSHi colors. Per the authors advice in the ‘Advanced Customization’ section of Other Notes, you can configure GeSHi yourself by handling the wp_syntax_init_geshi hook and configuring it programmatically. A generic plugin for folks who wanted to configure GeSHi following this approach. Disqus Plugin The Disqus WordPress plugin integrates Disqus into your blog. Disqus is a powerful […]
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