Twitter is definitely becoming popular day by day, by far it is one of the most easiest way to communicate with others.
If you want to create a site similar to twitter, Cats Who Code has a excellent step by step tutorial that will help you create a private twitter site using WordPress.
BTW if you are on twitter, don’t forget to follow us @weblogtooltips.
Yes, the P2 theme really is quite cool, because it does show off how a WP site doesn’t have to look like the typical “blog” that a lot of people think WP does.
Hey Lester, This is cool… I should try this for myself. Thanks for sharing this tutorial with us.
It makes perfect sense, but it never occurred to me to implement a private twitter site with wordpress. That tutorial rocked!
Yes, P2 seems to be the one WordPress theme that can make a blog not a blog but a microblogging experience. I’ve been searching for this, and P2 is the one which always appear on the search engines and blogosphere.