Posts Tagged ‘wordpress themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 08/09


Connections Reloaded Connections Reloaded is a complete reload of the highly popular and extremely beautiful Connections theme by Patricia Muller. Connections Reloaded 2.0.1 is a two column, widget and Gravatar ready theme. Includes few inbuilt widgets as well as many page templates. Ginseng Coffee Ginseng Coffee is a three column, brown, widget and Gravatar and tag ready theme. Floral Day 2 columns, widget ready, right side bar, with Ajax picture viewer enable Simplest A simple two-column WordPress theme with a small splash of color. While on the topic of themes, you might like to take a look at Building with WordPress: From sketch to prototype to company website in 5 hours and Collapsing WordPress Widget-Ready Areas & Sidebars and Show latest comment(s) for each post on main page.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/07


Simplifi Dark (Red) and Simplifi Dark (Grey) Simple, two column, red and grey themes Fresh’d Fresh’d is a two-column, widget and gravatar ready theme with a left sidebar, and colors and layout greatly inspired by the WordPress Administration interface introduced in WordPress version 2.5. This theme has a built-in “Recent Comments” and “Previous Posts” section in the sidebar. Mad Meg Mad Meg is a 2 column fixed-width theme with right-hand sidebar, enabled for widgets. The Mag Meg theme is based around the painting, Dulle Griet. It a dark theme to match the subject matter of the painting and is ideal for blogs on political satire, art, poetry or any dark writing especially that poking fun at the establishment. Unknown Theme Unknown Theme v3.0is a grey and white, two column theme ideal for news, video and reviews blogs.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/04


Refreshed Refreshed is a one column, white-spaced, and clean design with a lifestream feature outside the regular post stream. So your lifestream will not junks to any RSS reader. RingBinder RingBinder is a 2 column fixed-width, free WordPress theme, with righthand sidebar, enabled for widgets – the name is reasonably self-explanatory. Entrecard 4 columns, widget ready, right sidebar, login menu at the header Simplifi Dark (brown) Dark brown, two column theme Vista Three column, widget and gravatar ready, SEO optimized theme

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WordPress Theme Releases for 08/02


[Not] So Serious Three column, fixed widget, gravatar and adsense ready theme Web 2.0 Pinky Has a great use of colors and neatly centered in the browser. Gorgeous web 2.0 looks and can edit the top sidebar if you know some coding. It support widget and can easily modify colors and other thing if you have some basic knowledge in HTML and CSS. Indomagz Simple, two column, highly customizable theme. Credit Removal requires $20. Simplest Blue Theme 3 columns theme and widget ready, blue and white theme

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WordPress Theme Releases for 07/31


Tremor This theme is a 3 column widget ready theme. It is XHTML Strict and a CSS 2.1 compliant and uses the author’s comment highlight hack. Birdie’s Blog Two column, brown WordPress theme with a birdie calling out! Crush Crush is a simple three column theme with a single column sidebar and two columns for posts. Grayplicity Grayplicity is the public release version of the theme being used for The default setup is a one column, full width (split ~70%/30% content/sidebar) layout. Has support for several plugins as listed on the theme page. HelloWest A dark, simple two column theme based on HelloWiki’s latest theme release. BlueSensation Clean and minimalist theme with 2 columns, and ready to display 125×125 ad blocks Unwakeable A two column theme based on of K2 and Unsleepable. 1024px A light and extremely simple theme with 2 columns. It is based on Andreas’ 1024px XHTML/CSS […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 07/25


Vita Three column, widget ready, fixed width, custom image header theme Kitten in Pink Two column, pink, widget ready theme WP-Andreas01 Three column, widget ready theme with support for tags, gravatars and including 12 additional header images. Daleri Sweet Fixed width, two / three column, widget ready blue WordPress theme Secondary Consists of a fluid two column outfit with news slider built into the frontpage: widgetized sidebar and footer columns with typical WordPress action like calendar, built in are recent comments with gravatars, related posts, social bookmarking enabled, native WP tag system, flickr is enabled in its own options panel. QuickPress A 2/3-column, widget-ready, SEO-optimized, Ad-ready, WordPress 2.6 compatible wordpress theme which is useful for all types of bloggers. TheGrunge TheGrunge WordPress Theme is a widget and ad-ready WordPress 2.5 Grunge Theme re-developed by the PositiveNoize design team.

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WordPress Theme Releases 07/23


Squared Squared is a very simple theme, two columns, widget ready, and valid XHTML 1.0 Simple A two column colorful theme Rateka Two column theme comes widget ready. Custom sidebar ad widgets. Also has 3 color schemes incorporated. Allows you to add subscription by email from admin panel. Easy to manage ads from php file. Scruffy Scruffy is a WordPress theme with a standard two column layout and all the basic WP features. What makes this theme special is it’s unique “grunge” design. Web 2.0 Blue Great web 2.0 looking, Great use of colors, Simple, Plain, Minimalist theme, Hemingway Style, Can be customized easily through detailed CSS. Support all plugins that Hemingway supports, Huge space for Widget lovers as it is 3 Column theme, Can customize images for blockquotes and so on… iF iF is a clean, simple theme with a left sidebar. FunkyZine 2 Columns, Wood Design, Rounded Corners, […]

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How to get featured in our Daily Releases


Our aim here at Weblog Tools Collection is to provide a platform for authors of themes and plugins and at the same time provide WordPress users a single place to keep up-to-date with the WordPress world. We try to keep abreast with both plugin and theme releases. The first place that we look for releases is the WLTC News Forum and in this post I’ll try to cover some of the points that you should keep in mind to facilitate your listing. 1. Post in the appropriate category The forum has been divided into several categories for different content. The two primary categories that you should be looking at are the New WordPress Plugins category and the New WordPress Themes category for plugins and themes respectively. We also have a Premium WordPress Themes category for those themes which require payment to use. 2. Writing your post This is the most […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 07/18


Only two themes on the platter today. WordPress Dating Theme Simple, two column, widget ready theme for dating sites SuperFresh SuperFresh is a 3 Column fresh theme base with natural green. It contain 2 widget-ready sidebar, custom templates, with a featured post section in the main page. It’s compatible with up to WordPress 2.6 and has been tested with in Firefox, Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Opera, and Safari. Would you like to have your theme featured on WLTC? Then, head over to the News Forum and post a link to your theme. Remember to add a good description and preferably a link to the a demo of the theme.

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