There are a myriad of reasons why people create websites and put them online. Some do it for fame and profit; others do it for passion and service. No matter the reason you put your work and effort into an online endeavor there can come a time in the life of some websites that the comment system becomes inconvenient for discussions. Now WordPress has done a lot to make it easier to follow along with discussions on a site based on that system. The threaded comments option allows replies to be underneath the original comment that prompted the reply. Even before it became an option in WordPress plugin developers were making it happen. So when you want to take those discussions to their own piece of your website and create a forum what should you do? Well there are quite a few options out there for forums and discussion boards. […]
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WordPress Threaded Comments the Easy Way
Not every comment on your blog is directly related to the post itself, there are times when commentators respond to other commentators, in short we call that a discussion
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