Posts Tagged ‘adsense’

FeedBurner is Dead, Long Live Feedburner

February 12th, 2009
Blogging News

So for some reason that I can no longer remember, I had to log into FeedBurner to do something. I was greeted with an odd message that appeared to say that FeedBurner would cease to exist and I would have to migrate my account to Google. I have become wary of attaching my Google account to my other important services after their recent gaffe and was about to click “No Thanks” when I realized that the page was telling me that if I did not do it manually, they would be moved for me anyways. Since I had no choice, I went through the paces to move my FeedBurner services to Google. The move was mostly uneventful and I was told that while my feeds were being transferred, I could close the browser window and know that they would be safely transferred. There are some reported incidents of missing feeds […]

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News Roundup 5/23

May 23rd, 2007
Blogging News, LinkyLoo

Since there are a couple of interesting news items, I have consolidated them into one post. The Blogging World is agog over the (confirmed) news that Feedburner is being bought out by Google for 100 million. My congratulations to the Feedburner team and the VCs who thought this was a good investment. However, I have also been reading some disturbing rumors/thoughts that Feedburner might inject Google Ads into feeds. I cannot see Google imposing this on Feedburner users but if they do, they will lose me as a user. I choose to keep my feeds ad free and I will look elsewhere. Google is reported to be cracking down on websites and blogs that have little content and lots of ads (or made for adsense type websites, a form of arbitrage). The NY Post reports that a number of users have been notified of being dropped from the AdSense program. […]

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AdSense with other Contextual Ads Allowed

January 23rd, 2007
Blogging News, LinkyLoo

AdSense with other Contextual Ads Allowed Jensense is reporting that Google AdSense TOS now allows contextual ads from other providers with certain limitations. However, Yahoo (YPN) is still not a viable option since their TOS does not fit.

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AdSense Updates Policies

January 18th, 2007
Blogging News, Business of Blogging, LinkyLoo

AdSense Updates Policies A quick rundown of the most significant changes in the AdSense policies that were released today. There is a re-affirmation of the no-images policy, new limitations on referral products and some changes in the competitive ads that can be displayed along with Google Ads. If you display Google Ads on your blog along with other Ad types, this article, along with the original from JenSense might be worth a quick read.

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WP Theme: SEO Adsense


WP Theme: SEO Adsense Simple, three column, “built for ADSense” theme for WordPress with ADSense EVERYWHERE. This would be a pretty cool theme without the ads. 🙂

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AdSense and image placement

December 19th, 2006
Blogging News, Business of Blogging, General

AdSense and image placement We ask that publishers not line up images and ads in a way that suggests a relationship between the images and the ads. If your visitors believe that the images and the ads are directly associated, or that the advertiser is offering the exact item found in the neighboring image, they may click the ad expecting to find something that isn’t actually being offered. That’s not a good experience for users or advertisers. This is important for many AdSense publishers. From the examples that have been provided, if you are using a plugin like AdSense Beautifier, you might be violating Google’s AdSense policies and might want to look into removing the plugin.

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WP Plugin: Target Adsense

November 20th, 2006
LinkyLoo, WordPress Plugins

WP Plugin: Target Adsense Target AdSense is a plugin for WordPress that helps you employ Google ad section targeting. Section targeting allows you to suggest sections of your text and content that you’d like to emphasize or downplay to Google Adsense. When used correctly, ad section targeting can give you more control in matching the best ads to your site’s content. Installation is relatively simple and the configuration of the plugin allows you to choose specific portions of your post to target ads to.

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Clever Ads

November 1st, 2006

I (somewhat shamefully) agree that I am not an ad clicker. On the average, I will click on somewhere between 0 to 1 ad a day, tops. I also do not fall too often for clever advertising on blogs and websites. I have learned to navigate around them. Some would say I have developed ad blindness. More often than not, I tend to look for clever placement methods, interesting ad services and such without actually clicking on anything or navigating away from the original page. If something interests me tremendously, I might distract myself for a few minutes but rarely have I actually purchased or signed on to a product or service that I was referred to by an ad. However, this evening, I came upon such a clever ad placement that I had to think about it for a few minutes before the bulb in my head flickered and […]

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Google Co-op – Custom Search Engine

October 24th, 2006
Cool Scripts, HOW-TO, LinkyLoo

Google Co-op – Custom Search Engine: Create your own customized search engine with Google. Google will even let you add your own AdSense code to make money from your searches. [EDIT] I had posted the search code on this post but decided against it. Visit the custom search engine I created here. More information and discussion all over the web, including the official Google Blog.

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