‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’ Category

Security Alert: Vistered Little


If you or someone you know is using the Vistered Little theme from Windy Road, a vulnerability has been found and you need to upgrade your theme to version 1.7.3 as soon as possible  (or revert back to the another theme for the time being and delete the vistered little theme folder). The latest version that fixes the bug/vulnerability is 1.7.3 while versions 1.6a through 1.7.2 are all vulnerable.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/29


Impact is a fixed-width, 2 column theme with right sidebar, compatible with WP 2.2

Dream in Infrared is a fluid width, light on dark theme with lots of CMS features.

Soho” is a widget-ready WordPress theme designed with a three column fluid layout. Demo. Two mini loops are retrieving their posts from different categories at the frontpage. One loop in the main post showing latest post, one loop beneath the main area showing one post.

300” is a widget-ready WordPress theme with three columnd fluid layout and an edgy footer from 300. Two mini loops are retrieving their posts from different categories at the frontpage. One loop in the main post showing latest post, one loop beneath the main area showing one post.

Deziner Folio is a two column, fixed width theme with support for several plugins.

Rocking is a very light colored 3 column theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/28


Spiritual Journal is a two Column, widget ready, sharp and clean theme with a notebook feel, designed to be a personal journal for pastors, ministers and other believers.

Soveryn is a three column, fixed width, widget ready theme.

Greed is a 3 to 5 columns hybrid theme with 10 widget-ready sidebars, fixed-fluid width, rotatable columns, switchable banner and colors (via theme options page). It’s compatible with WordPress 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 and is also compatible with over two dozen plugins.

Velle Elle is a 2 column theme with pink and white colour and talk bubble sidebar.

LoveTime is a pink layout, 2 column with right sidebar, header and footer theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Darkstripe is a three column, fluid theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

One Night in Paris is a single column, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Ygo Sea is a 3 column wordpress theme with cool see type look and feel, with a long content filled tail. (Contains Sponsored Links)

VisEstate a 2 column theme, loosely inspired by Windows Vista, and made under the advice of a professional real estate agent. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/25


Ambient Glo is a Web 2.0 sleek, widget ready, three column theme with a modern, crisp look.

Com64 is a fixed-width, 2 column with right sidebar theme, enabled for widgets and compatible with WP 2 upwards.

Pretty Pink Celebrity is a two column, widget ready theme ideal for a girly blog.

Daleri Dark is a dark and wide, two column, fixed width, widget ready theme.

A Method of Life is a two column blue theme with adsense integration. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Blunge is a two column, fixed width theme with a changeable header. (Contains Sponsored Links)

YGo2.0 is a two column theme with neat and clean layout with big readable font with black and white as dominant color. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Empire is a fixed width, two column brown theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/24


Victoria is a magazine-style WordPress theme with a classic feel, based on the DP Shiny Theme by Frazier Media. Posts are separated into two main columns with blog entries on the left and feature articles in the main top window and right-hand column.

Copyblogger is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme, SEO optimized theme based on the original CopyBlogger.com design

Kolorful is a three column, fixed width theme, with print stylesheet and options page.

YUI-Mainstream 750 is a two column, 750px wide version of YUI-Mainstream with widgetized sidebar and SEO Optimization.

TechDesigns is a two columns, grey, fixed width, widget ready theme.

TyreMonkey2 is a red & black 3 column theme with a mini cooper logo. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Nature is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/22


Ngatini is a widget ready, two column theme.

Alike is a three column, widget ready and adsense ready theme.

I like Windows is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme.

What the Hell is a two column, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Dark Carbon is a two column, blue, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/21


Dayvan is a two column, white and black and brown theme.

Twister is a simple two column, widget ready theme.

Cleanalicious is a clean, Web 2.0 trend-following, widget-ready WordPress theme. Easy to customize & very flexible to suit many bloggers’ needs. Based on the Dirtylicious Design by Arcsin.

GenkiTheme is a clean and minimalistic, fluid 3-columns widget ready with a floating sidetab on the left.

Bobbles is a widgetize 3 column unique wordpress theme. Dark shade skin with cloudy bobble effect and integrated with mybloglog and social network

Gratisl is a nice and plain wordpress theme with right sidebar, header and footer. Gratisl is good for who likes big fonts. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Bluezone is a fixed black and blue theme with a hint of bling. (Contains Sponsored Links)

BlueCon is a fluid blue theme, simple as pie, and the lightest shades of blue. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Mezzo is a 3 column adsense ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Check out these two posts of theme releases by Themey. (Contains Sponsored Links)

SpringAir is a green and blue theme with bright vibrant, spring colors. (Contains Sponsored Links)

VistaBlog is a light theme inspired by Windows Vista. (Contains Sponsored Links)

YGo Mystery is a simple three column widget ready theme with dark colors. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/18


Prosense is a brown, three column, adsense ready WordPress theme.

Prep School Uniform is a three column, green and brown theme.

Opposite of Neon is a three column, dark theme.

Estila is a two column fixed width Gravatar ready theme.

TumbleJack is a simple lightweight, single column tumblelog theme for WordPress.

Clean is a fluid Three column WordPress Theme/Template. The theme has been tested on WordPress 2.1.3 with Firefox and Safari, and IE. It validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.0, and supports several plugins.

Silver Lexus is a three column, fluid width, widget ready theme.

Southern Highlands is a three column, fluid width, widget ready theme.

YGo Horizon brings golden yellow, blackish grey, and white to design this 3 column widget ready wordpress theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

Oh Yeah is a simple two column, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/15


Spyker is a four column fluid layout on the fontpage, including a custom home php file with two posts retrieving from two different categories and flickr support built in. Single/Page view is three columns.

ArchiTects is a three column fixed layout including sideblog in the sidebar and flickr support built in.

Was: ImJTK is a good looking, two columns, fixed width theme.

ReachOut and PressPlay are two column, fixed width themes.

Dewanti’s Dandelion is a single column fixed width, widget ready theme.

Skittlish is a fun, candy colored theme with seven color options. In addition, it has options for fluid or fixed widths, support for widgets and other plugins.

YGo Loner is again a 3 column widget ready theme with black and grey as the dominating colors.

Upstart Blogger Modio is a very clean, simple, spacious theme with a widget-ready sidebar, or CSS rollover sidebar.

Clean Green is a simple green, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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