BT is a newspaper-style theme based on the New York Times.
Deep Blue is a 3-column theme available with the sidebar on the right, left, or right-side with adsense blocks.
Freicurv is a 3-column theme with widget-ready sidebars and readiness for Asides.
Grey Icon is a 3-column, minimalistic theme with space for four block ads above the sidebar columns.
Heckerped is a 2-column theme with a Web-2.0 look.
Language of a Lover is a 2-column theme with a very stylish design.
MyApril Reloaded is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with support for the Popularity Contest and Get Recent Comments plugins.
Professional Orange is a 2-column, fluid width that leaves plenty of space on the right side.
Visualization is a beautiful magazine-style theme built on the Blueprint framework. (This is a paid theme.)
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