One Column Themes
Integrati is a single-column theme with the sidebar below the post. This theme has a built-in recent comments and previous posts section in the sidebar.
Fun with Minimalism is a one column theme without widget support . The theme provides an admin screen to make choices over the default colours, the colours used for each category, or post in that category, the feed link and the position of the feed icon.
Simple is a really simple theme with one column and good use of colors and fonts. The theme loads fast and has a tabbed footer at the bottom of the page.
Two Column Themes
PassionDuo is a clean theme, with rounded corners and 2 columns. It is advertising ready and it comes in 3 different color versions: red, blue and green.
Nature Blog is a two column theme with a widget ready sidebar and footer. The theme has space for 121×121 or similar sized square ads and comes built in with a styled calendar for use with widgets.
Mag on Wood is a magazine style widget ready two column theme. The themes background is based on wood. There is ample space for advertising in the theme.
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