‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’ Category

WordPress Theme Releases for 10/05


THAT Music

THAT Music

Three column, red and dark theme with support for widgets, gravatars and WordPress 2.7.

Solitude wpMU


The Solitude WP theme, create your own social network with the Solitude WordPress theme, loaded with a ”corporate” blue/white color scheme, an extensive options panel for full control over the frontpage layout, featuring a two column fluid layout with built in options panel, frontpage news slider and automatic SEO titles.

Simple Blue


Two column, widget ready, blue theme



It’s a stylish, 3 column, widgetized theme with a jQuery powered rotating gallery on home page.

The Erudite


The Erudite is a two column theme for writers who want readers. Everything has been carefully crafted to provide the optimal reading experience, and no attention has been paid to people who need gimmicks to maintain an audience.



Small_biz_green is an elegent 2-column, professional looking free WordPress theme. It’s a perfect theme for small business blogs and personal blogs.



Doc is a one-column theme, with a fixed width and lots of white space. It is intended to spoil your content and to satisfy your users’ reading pleasure.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/09


Go Green

Go Green

Two column, widget ready theme with built-in ad management and support for Twitter.

Tonight We Party

Tonight We Party

“Tonight we party” is a fixed background, flexible width, cross-browser compatible free WP theme. One column layout. Has a collapsible sidebar on the left, always visible to the user and extendable on click.



Widget ready, gravatar ready, 2.7 ready, two column theme using custom field for thumbnail.



Panorama is a two column theme with a right widgetized sidebar and a main gimmick of a customizable header image…

Facebook Addict

Facebook Addict

Three column, widget ready, Facebook style theme.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/07


I Like Content


Two column, widgetized theme with a narrow sidebar in order to focus on content.



It’s a DJ influenced black and red 3 column theme. The sidebars are on the right. There is a customizable greeting message that can be configured from the Theme Options area in the admin menu. Also there are now 3 widget columns in the footer area that can be set up in the normal widget area.



A bi-color (navy-blue/tan) simple WP theme. Fluid layout. Cross-browser compatible. Gives the user the option to resize the font size (no plugin needed). 2 columns, sidebar on the right side. Paper pattern.

Red Carbon and other themes


Red Carbon is a two column widget ready WordPress theme with header that mimics red carbon.

Carrington 2.0

Carrington Blog 2.0

Two column theme with support for threaded comments, custom colors and header images with lightbox for galleries.

Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to get featured in our daily releases. Remember to provide a link to the theme page as well as a demo or screenshot.

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WordPress Links for 5/6/09


40 WordPress Optimisation tips – Yoast – Tweaking Websites.: Joost De valk has the slides for his talk on 40 WordPress optimization tips up for everyone. This is from his presentation at A4UExpo in Europe. If you do not follow Joost or use his plugins, you might be missing out. We have recently started using his Tweetbacks plugin on this blog (with some minor tweaks for load). To test it out, just Twitter this post and you will see it appear as a comment.

The dotMobi WordPress Mobile Pack.: The dotMobi WordPress Mobile pack is a set of plugins to make your WordPress blog easier to use on mobile devices. This pack includes the following:

The dotMobi Plugin pack is also compatible with WordPress MU 2.6 but requires PHP 5.0 or greater.

17 Statistics to Monitor on your Blog: Darren leads us through 17 important statistics on your blog, how to monitor them and how they can help you become a better blogger and in turn make your blog more attractive and more popular. He does however, warn newer bloggers to refrain from checking on stats too often.

Custom Taxonomies in WordPress 2.8: Justin explains taxonomies to us and gives us a detail rundown on how to create taxonomies and use them effectively in your WordPress blog. Much of this tutorial is based on the yet unreleased WordPress 2.8.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/02




Two column, widget ready, gravatar ready, totally blue theme.



R755 is a wordpress theme built from scratch with two basic principles: content comes first and the smallest possible size. Valid CSS and XHTML (Strict), threaded-comments, microformats, sticky-post, SEO.



Completely customizable two column theme, preloaded with several styles with built-in support for twitter, Flickr, Feedburner etc.



Two column blue theme with a widgetized left sidebar.

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Smarter Theme Development


Ian Stewart who is the creator of the Thematic theme framework is currently in the process of putting together a series which explains how to cut theme development time, easier theme modifications, and the power of child themes. The first two parts of this guide are already online and covers child theme basics and modular CSS in child themes. Ian plans on covering the following topics in the future:

  • Using Filter Hooks in WordPress Child Themes
  • Using Action Hooks in WordPress Child Themes
  • Creating WordPress Child Themes
  • Publicly Releasing WordPress Child Themes

Although this guide ends up using Thematic as the prime example, you should be able to pick up a few tips and tricks to implement if you’re not using Thematic.

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BuddyPress 1.0 Has Arrived!!


BuddyPress 1.0 Has Arrived.: Andy announced the release of BuddyPress 1.0 on the BuddyPress community Blog and there was much rejoicing. This was an excellent opportunity to get my WLTC Community project off the ground and I was an like installation fiend as soon as I finished work on my day job.

So without further ado, especially if you want to play around with BuddyPress, please head over to the shiny new WLTC Community and register for either a username or a blog. I hope to meet you there!

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/25




Two column, widget ready, gravatar ready theme



Two sidebar, widget, gravatar and tag ready theme with SIFR for headings and an included PSD file



Corp is a free WordPress theme, with a double-column right sidebar and a business style – a riot of black and grays in other words… except that link and hover colors are fully customizable from the admin. Compatible with WP 2.7 threaded comments etc.



The Niukita WP theme, corporate styles with the Niukita WordPress theme, loaded with a “presidential” blue/white colour scheme and an options panel for full control over the frontpage layout, featuring a two column fluid layout with built in options panel, frontpage news slider and automatic SEO titles.



Two column theme, with four widget areas, dropdown menu, six background variations and ad management system

Are you a theme author? Submit your theme to us.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/23




UnderCon is a customizable WordPress Domain Parking theme. It includes a theme options page that allows you to customize the title, description and logo. Easy Feedburner integration.



Two column, widget ready, simple white and grey theme.

Garland Revisited


A flexible, three-column theme with customizable colors.

Minimalist Love

Minimalist Love

Widget ready, two column, WordPress 2.7.1 compatible theme.



BlackCat is a two-columns free WordPress theme, with widgetized sidebar, fixed width, a minimal white-gray-black color scheme and a cute cat in the header.



Callisto contains Two Widget Ready Left and Right sidebars, with a shining glossy look. The theme is available in 4 unique flavors; Red, Blue, Green and Gray. Users have the leverage to choose their own favorite color. Highly Search Engine and Adsense Optimized with easy to use interface.

iRedlof Inspire


An inspiring 2-Coloumn Black, Blue coloured theme tabbed for a revolutionary better browsing style with admin panel called the iDashboard.

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