
BuddyPress 1.0 Has Arrived!!




  1. gestroud says:

    Nicely laid out and functional. Congrats, Mark.

  2. Christopher Ross (9 comments.) says:

    This looks like a really cool project, I’m going to install it this morning on one of my domains and give it a try instead of struggling to write basically the same from scratch for a dating site concept. :)

  3. gestroud says:

    Quick question: What kind of server is your install running on, shared or dedicated? Do you think shared would be good enough for users who want to run small sites – say about 100-200 blogs? Thanx!

    • Mark Ghosh (386 comments.) says:

      Dedicated server. It all depends on the frequency of posting and traffic in my experience.

    • Gus (1 comments.) says:

      If you think your site is really going to pick up and you want to start “armored”, then used dedicated, but if not sure and want to cut some expenses for now, you may want to start with a good shared host like HostGator – they are prepared for the case you then needed to move to a dedicated server – yet, the shared is in my opinion – the best (who knows if your site might never even need more than that – if you keep it within the limits allowed).

  4. FryingPanSports (1 comments.) says:

    Looks like a great new tool. How do we know if we have MU installed or the regular version of WP. I used Fantastico within Hostgator. Thanks

  5. Sueblimely (1 comments.) says:

    Perfect timing as I am looking to use Buddy Press on a site that I am redeveloping. Although a member site where people know or know of each other, forums did not take off. I am hoping Buddy Press may help develop a closer community.

  6. Stephen Chua (1 comments.) says:

    Very exciting proposal. I run a couple of membership sites but I’m really looking for something that’s far more SEO friendly and WP blog based. Imagine my surprise when Buddy Press appeared. Next social site will be a Private Bank Directory – hope with my limited tech knoeledge I can pull it off.


  1. blognews (blognews) (104 comments.) says:

    [planet wordpress]: Weblog Tools Collection: BuddyPress 1.0 Has Arrived!!: BuddyPress 1.0 Has..

  2. Barbayellow (Barbayellow) (1 comments.) says: BuddyPress 1.0 Has Arrived!!

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