A few days ago, Matt Mullenweg posed a question on the WordPress Hackers Mailing list regarding a new developer portal.
If there were to be a developer portal for WordPress, someplace where if you’re first getting started with hacking on WP, building plugins, creating themes, you could go and it’d have all the best resources in one place, what resources do you think would be important to have there?
I encourage you to read the thread through the mailing list archive and voice your thoughts, ideas or suggestions. Alternatively, you can leave a comment on this post since I know Matt routinely checks out the feedback.
Anything that would help a total noob get started!
I invested in buying a web site design book (Core Web Application Development with PHP and MySQL by Marc Wandschneider) in order to try and correlate what the code in WordPress had in it. While it helped, the WordPress code was still primarily a mystery.
If there was a way to help understand at a bigger picture how WordPress was constructed, clearer code, design artifacts, I think you would get a broader community.
Also, multiple examples of how to change WordPress behavior would help.
Clear, concise information regarding the GPL and other aspects of licensing when using any of WordPress’ code or releasing add-ons for WordPress would be nice. Blog posts scattered throughout the WordPressosphere are fine, but an authoritative mention on a developer’s resource portal would do a lot of good, I think.
It would be very nice! But if it is multilanguage, that would be better because there are too many peaple that want to know about WP but they aren’t so good in english…
Clear, concise information regarding the GPL and other aspects of licensing when using any of WordPress’ code or releasing add-ons for WordPress would be nice. Blog posts scattered throughout the WordPressosphere are fine, but an authoritative mention on a developer’s resource portal would do a lot of good, I think.
Developper portal should integrate :
* blog opened to dev community
* Cross references :
** phpxref of all wp versions (truth is in the code)
** hooks/filters and associated functions in a tree structure : where are called do_action/apply_filters, where and what is called through add_action/add_filter.
* wiki => this is not codex !
* trac
* trac for canonical plugins ?
* archives (WordPress Hackers Mailing list , IRC etc …)