M (removed due to sponsored links)
Adsense and widget ready, seven column, fixed width brown WordPress theme
Three column, widget ready theme named after the popular operating system
Ellise (removed due to sponsored links)
Ellise is a 2 column theme, right sidebar position, widgetized and adsense ready.
PureCSS theme is a pure CSS WordPress theme, no image. The theme is compatible with latest WordPress, widget, valid CSS and XHTML, and has been tested with in Firefox, Internet Explorer 6 &, Opera, and Safari.
Gossip Rag is a simple, two column, localized, widget ready, fix width WP Theme for gossip or celebrities.
Fluid four column outfit with news slider built into the frontpage, widgetized sidebar and footer columns with typical WordPress, built in are recent comments with gravatars, related posts, social bookmarking enabled.
These are great! I love Ubuntu WP – I guess it was just a matter of time huh?
I hate to say this because I like milo317’s style, but so far I’ve tried installing at least 4 different themes milo’s and they slow everything to a snails pace. Other themes don’t have this issue, I run several websites. Yes, it could be me, but even today, once I installed this new theme, things became incredibly slow until I deleted.
I too like milo317’s themes but for some reason they do not work for me/ No call up of recent posts, some strange problem with the code in the themes section. It’s too bad because I really like them. I’ve spent a day installing and uninstalling the last three upgraded themes plus Nature and I have had problems with all of them.