Reality tales is a light colored, 2 column graphical theme, with clean coding by Ekta Paneri. Green Grass is a two column theme featuring green grass in the header.
[Continue Reading...]Reality tales is a light colored, 2 column graphical theme, with clean coding by Ekta Paneri. Green Grass is a two column theme featuring green grass in the header.
[Continue Reading...]Happy Blog template is a three column WordPress theme. HALFmt is a two column theme with lightbox support and a “pull-down” top navigation. Vint-age is a three column, fixed width, widget ready theme for WordPress based on Handyman. Preview. Tequilo has three WordPress themes for download. Enblogopedia has released Underground and PixelGreen which are ports of templates by Styleshout.
[Continue Reading...]NotPlasticBag is a modification of Bare theme to look like Peterandrej03 is a two-column, widget ready theme by Peterandrej. Small Potato has released Fergie, Sleepy, 022, Goopress and Techpress. Artificial Intelligence is a two column widget ready theme based on the template by Solucija. Dripzone is a two column pink, white and black theme.
[Continue Reading...]Tree 1.9 is a green 2 column, fixed width theme by Ekta. Deep In Space 2 columns, black, fixed width, widget ready theme by LinksJuice WPTP is a 2 column WordPress Theme in a white and blue color scheme. Earthy is a 2 column WordPress theme based on a template from SimplyGold. Hemmed is a one and two column hybrid, blue and gray version of Hemingway for WordPress that catches your eye.
[Continue Reading...]Swirly-Twirly is a simple, widget ready, three column, bright, swirly theme. Siteground has a growing collection of WordPress themes.
[Continue Reading...]Themeorrhea is a clean, two column theme with white, green and blue color scheme. Neonix is a single column, fixed width theme by Thilak with a green color scheme. Preview. BBRose is a two column, fixed width rose theme by Kapikua. Blue Steel is a three column, fixed width, widget ready WordPress theme by Milo. Also check out Summer.
[Continue Reading...]Zero is a simple one column WordPress theme.Gray Wolf is a simple yet powerful XHTML 1.0 Strict theme for WordPress with support for gravatar, wp page navi and widgets. Preview. Nonzero Red is a new three-column, fixed width widget ready WordPress theme. Small Potato has released Half Life, WPD Expanded, Patriotic and Signs. Infinito is a two column, brown scheme theme for WordPress.
[Continue Reading...]Purple Sky is two column, fluid width, widget ready theme. Preview. Redoable 1.1 is a two/three column hybrid version of K2 with lots of features built in. I really like the middle column asides and the colors are interesting. wpjeriko01.2 is a two column, widget ready theme for WordPress with rounded edges and featured posts. There are two color options available for this theme and there are screenshots and previews available at the link.
[Continue Reading...]Bloody Gray is a light two column theme with shades of red and gray. BBT is a two column theme with a blue scheme. Say It 2 is a light weight, two column theme with a dynamic color chooser. Petlover is a 2-column,widget-ready,fixed width theme that is based on a design by WDD. Natheless is a simple two column Preview. Red Matrix Pill is a widget-ready, one-column, WordPress-style, half-hearted adaptation of the red pill in the movie The Matrix. Preview.
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