Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 3/26


RockinRedhead is a two-column, widget ready, clean and sleek theme with red, white and orange colors designed for reading and customization. Typography DE is the German edition of Typography (Page in German) Mountain Blue is a serene new “widget” ready 2 Columns WordPress theme, with a right sidebar, white content area, gray background and a tranquil blue “nature” header image. TechBlog is a 3 columns fixed width theme that is built for tech blogs. Aqueous Lite is a two column, blue widget ready theme that is completely customizable via the Admin panel. OrangeFlower is a two column WordPress theme with a right-hand sidebar. OrangeFlower has a black background with bold orange flower detail. Blue Spring is a new 2-Columns, widget ready blue, white and gray, WordPress theme with a beautiful “spring” header image and a right sidebar. Pure is a two columns, fixed width theme with a right sidebar. mental […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/24


Let’s mint have released 3 wordpress themes, Quickmint Left Nav, Quickmint Right Nav and QuickMint 3 Column (Fixed & Fluid). Bright Side is a new widget ready, three columns WordPress theme with a beautiful header image, a left sidebar and a right sidebar, white content area and soothing blue background. Crispy Cornsilk is a two column fixed width theme with sharp edges and shades of brown. Right hand sidebar supports widgets. XHTML and CSS validated. Blue Idea is a high quality two-column, widget ready theme. Andreas Moser has released ElegantWords, IceWords, FruitWords, FlowerWords and FreekyClouds.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/23


TypoXP Revisited is a modified version of TypeXP. RockinDarkQ is a two-column, dark modern, clean and sleek theme with red and orange highlights designed for reading and customization … and it’s widget ready. RockinSeaside is a 2 column, widgetized free WordPress theme with a calm, blue and white color scheme, compartmentalized sections, and a customizable header with photoshop file included. Sakura is a 2-column WordPress theme with spring motives and it’s widget ready. Oceans 11 WordPress theme designed with a three column fluid layout and a custom header painting inspired by the movie Oceans 11. OrangeCones is a fun two column WordPress theme with a widget enabled left-hand sidebar. Hongkiat has Five more colors on Rounded v2

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/22


Blogging Pro Theme is a three column theme with a blue top navigation bar and big search box. Comes in two flavours, with plugin support and without. SciEarth is a 2 column Sci-Fi based theme. YUI-Mainstream is a clean, two column theme built on the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI). Supports fluid width, 950px, 750px and custom widths with possible sidebar sizes of 160px, 180px, 240px or 300px. Widget ready. IceCream is a fun two column WordPress theme with a widget enabled right-hand sidebar with an ice lolly image. Pomodoro is a bright new 3 columns, “widget-ready” theme for WordPress by Headsetoptions and MandarinMusing based on design by Free CSS Templates. Milo has released MCMAC and LAX. Quicklime is a three columned (main content + two sidebars) theme with a lime green feel to it. Cozupix is fresh colored widgetized theme with 2 columns in the colors green, blue and orange.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/21


Shiny Things is a two column, pink white and beige theme. Sapphire style for K2 WordPress theme is a style for K2 based on the Sapphire theme. Strips is a two column, green, widget ready theme. Freedom is a two column WordPress theme with a left-hand sidebar. Freedom has a sunset-red background with a silhouette of the Statue of Liberty in the footer. Ygoent is a 2 column widget ready theme with a dark background, very bright colors. Qgrunge is a two column lime green theme. Orange Sunrise is a 2 Column, Orange, Brown, White and Gray, Fixed width, Widget ready theme. Check out Alastor’s themes.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/20


RockinPink is a girly 2 column, widgetized theme with brown and green accents, plus an easily changeable graphical header. Photoshop file included. Recetas theme is a simple, rounded, colorful, two columns WordPress theme. The Skittlish WordPress Theme is a port of Cristi Balan’s Mephisto theme. It’s a candy colored theme with seven color options plus options for fluid or fixed widths. Green Wave WordPress Theme is a two column, dark green, widget ready theme. PressCut is a fresh, clean, XHTML and CSS validated theme for WordPress by Gio based on Cutline Theme. Schizo has ten free header images for Cutline.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/19


WordPress Green is a two column, widget ready green theme. Green Lush is a fresh, neat and clean two column theme for WordPress based on a Blogger Template by Yamasaki. Cory has released RockinNewspaper 3 Column and RockinNewspaper for AdSense. jquindlen has released QNight and DeepBlue. Minimilistica is a three-column, primarily one-column, completely minimalistic theme. Very lightweight and completely customizable through an admin panel. Supports WordPress Widgets, Gravatars, ZooomrRSS, and FlickrRSS by default. Jammed and Green is a two column, clean and green theme. YGoajx is a simple 3 column elegant theme loosely based on the principals of web 2.0 and enhanced by Ajax.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/17


Idyllic is a two column widget-ready colorful theme with a flair of art based on a design by Ian Smith. jquindlen has release Sailbits, Watch and ClassyGal. SoftlySoftly is a soft pink theme that is clean, clear and easy on the eye. bbpress theme is a theme based on Bbpress layout. Comes with inbuilt support for several plugins. Greenland is a two column fluid width, widget ready theme.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 3/16


Favoloso is a 3-column fluid theme, which is very light and features soft colors. Vertical is a simple three column fixed width theme. RockinBlue 2.0 is a Web 2.0-style, widget-ready, two-column, clean and sleek theme with BIG FONTS and easily changed graphical header, with Photoshop file included. JD Sky 3C is a three column widget ready theme with the sky as the background. Straightlaced is a two-column, clean, efficient looking theme that is ideal for the no-nonsense blogger. WPTP2 is a 2 column theme with light colours and a striped black background.

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