Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 05/07


Business Casual is a 2 columns, Red, Fixed width, Widget ready theme Rockstar Series: Blue is a fixed width, two column, blue theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Tranceful is a two column, bright orange theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) 3-Column Pressrow is a three column version of Pressrow. (Contains Sponsored Links) RockinBlue 2 is a two column, modern, clean and sleek theme, which is widget-ready and designed for reading and customization. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/05


Simpla Remix is a two column, fixed width theme based on Simpla BlueFlower is a two column, blue fluid width theme. Sitting Around is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. Twilight is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Green Prosper is a two column fixed width theme (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/04


Autumn Concept is a beautiful two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. AjaxBerlee is a minimal, simple, crisp, clear and light 3 column design. Isolated is a clean, black and green theme that uses Mootools Accordian to display the posts and GD to display the titles, with a collapsible sidebar Clean Trends 2.0 is a simple, clean & minimalistic WordPress template, with a lot of whitespace. It’s fully widgetized and anyone with a bit of CSS / Photoshop knowledge should be able to customize the very colours. Speed is a two column, fixed width, widget ready, configurable theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) New Garden is a single column, fixed width, green theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Manor House features a country estate in a somewhat “paintily” style reminiscent of a picture postcard of old. (Contains Sponsored Links) ERA34 is 2-column, red and black theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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Sadish’s Theme Viewer


Everyone can see all of my themes (some of them contain one sponsor link) in action at one place !

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/02


Anvys is a two column, white, fixed width theme. Unlocked is a single column, fixed width, widget ready theme with an options page for configuration. 2cMinimal is a two column, fixed width, gray and black theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) 3cVibe is a three column, fixed width theme in black, white and blue with Adsense integrated into the sidebar. (Contains Sponsored Links) 2cStandard is a two column, fixed width dark theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Simplified is a three column, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) Blue Chip is a two column, fixed width, widget ready theme. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 05/01


Milo has updated eight themes with new features. All come without any sponsorship links. Drop2Splash is a three column, dark green theme with inbuilt support for several plugins. (English explanation at the bottom of the theme page) Anubis is a 3 columns layout, widget ready theme with custom image header. ASCII is a two column, fixed with theme that looks like a simple text file. Citrus Scraps is a clean, cheery theme in orange and grey, fixed width, widget ready, very search engine friendly and supports (but does not require) a variety of plugins. Redoable is a beautiful, two column, dark theme based on K2, with support for widgets and with several inbuilt modules. Fluid Blue is a simple, graphics free, fluid width two column theme with support for widgets. Upstart Blogger is a simple two column theme designed with support for standard ad formats. Lilomilo is a simple, two […]

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WordPress Commodore 64 Theme


WordPress Commodore 64 Theme Remember the Command Line Interface (CLI) theme for WordPress. Well now there is a theme to convert your WordPress blog into a Commodore 64. Since the the blog has been Boing Boinged, server might be slow/dead but there is an alternative link. I love how Cory puts it … “It’s endlessly fascinating and deliciously pointless”, I cannot help but concur!

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WordPress Theme Generator


WordPress Theme Generator: There used to be some very good ones out there but they seem to have dropped out of favor. This new one offers such conveniences as instant previews, lots of layout, color and gradient settings, custom header graphics and download of individual files as well as a neatly packaged zip. This could be a good starting point for WordPress bloggers who want to play around with colors and layout and do not want to muddy their hands with code. I like the instant gratification and appreciate Yvo’s hard work.

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WordPress Theme Releases for 04/21


Lucency is a three column, fixed width, customizable theme with transparent mainframe, roll-over subpage menu and Flickr integration. Love is Here – TE is a two column WordPress Theme, ideal for Love contented blogs. (Contains Sponsored Links) Luxury is a two column, fixed width theme ideal of Real Estate blogs. (Contains Sponsored Links) Thrifty Scot is a two column, fixed width theme for Financial blogs. (Contains Sponsored Links) Spunky Orange is a two column, orange and black, fixed width theme. (Contains Sponsored Links) RockinBlack is a black and white, clean and simple, three-column theme designed with little elements for the minimalist in mind, includes an easy-to-replace graphical header. (Contains Sponsored Links)

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