Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Templates WordPress Skins WordPress Themes’

WordPress Theme Releases for 7/10


Bomb is a 2-column theme with a fixed background featuring a bomb with smoke fading away. Into the Ocean is a gorgeous 2-column theme that supports Ultimate Tag Warrior. LoseMyMind is a single-column theme with a javascript-powered module at the bottom for showing typical sidebar content. BugClimb is a 2-column, green theme with a nice shot of a ladybug. (Contains sponsored links.) Cleanbright is a 2-column, simple theme. (Contains sponsored links.) Deserted is a 3-column, widget-ready theme. (Contains sponsored links.) Life is a 2-column theme with bold colors. (Contains sponsored links.) Poker #2 is a 3-column, widget-ready theme for poker fans. (Contains sponsored links.) Omega 3 is a 3-column, fluid theme with a very clean look. (Contains sponsored links.) RedCarpet is a 2-column theme with red, white, and blue colors. (Contains sponsored links.)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 7/8


Acid Green is a 3-column, widget-ready theme featuring green, white, and grey colors. BBlack is a 2-column, widget-ready, black theme with right-side sidebar. Gazeb is a 2-column, dark theme based on a website template. Lust is a very attractive 2-column, widget-ready theme. Moon is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with a prominent moon header image and features mootools. Sign is a 2-column, cityscape theme with two different cityscape options for a backdrop. BlackRedone is a 2-column, widget-ready theme suitable for professional sites. Also check out SleekBluey and RoundedOrange by the same designer. (Contains sponsored links.) Coffee is a 2-column theme perfect for those who just have to have their morning cuppajoe. (Contains sponsored links.) Gamers Target is a 2-column, widget-ready theme designed with the gaming blogger in mind. (Contains sponsored links.) Hello Kitty is a 2-column, pink theme based on its namesake. (Contains sponsored links.) Spotless Dot is a 2-column, minimalistic […]

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WordPress iPhone Theme and Plugin


iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme by ContentRobot: The iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme automatically reformats your blog’s content for optimized viewing on Apple’s iPhone. It detects the iPhone’s User Agent and serves up the content with the special theme only to iPhone visitors, all other browsers will view your WordPress blog with your current theme. Delish! A classmate of mine is an AT&T regional manager and has an iPhone. I will be checking out in <sarcasm>glorious EDGE speeds</sarcasm> tomorrow! 🙂

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WordPress Theme Releases for 7/5


@arctic business is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with left and right sidebars. Fresh Apple is a 3-column, adsense-ready theme with white and green colors. Rockin’ Chrome is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with black, grey, and red colors. Tech9 is a 4-column theme that supports recent comments and posts,, and flickr. VertigoBlue is a 2- or 3-column, widget-ready theme. Emporium Grass is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with a custom grassy header. (Contains sponsored links.) Pink Angel is a 2-column, pink-and-black theme. Also check out BlackPink and YellowFlowers by the same designer. (All three themes contain sponsored links.)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 7/4


Largo is a 2-column theme with a unique header structure. (Page written in French.) Glass is a 2-column, widget-ready theme that lets you put a Google adsense bar inside the glass itself. Mandarin is a 2-column, widget-ready theme with a citrus-y look and a variety of unique features. Mindless Spot is a 2-column theme dressed in blue colors. Modern Paper is a 3-column, widget-ready, minimalist theme with both sidebar columns situated to the right side. Stickybud is an attractive 2-column theme with a custom header image that shows recent comments and posts. Velice is a 2-column, professional theme with a white sidebar and grey-patterned content area. Frog is a 2-column theme with a frog image in the lower, right corner. Also check out

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WordPress Theme Releases for 7/2


Dragee is a 2-column theme with most of the traditional sidebar content sitting at the bottom of the page. Lounge 2 is a 2-column, widget-ready theme with whites, grays, and reds. Stealth Gray is a 2-column, grey-and-red theme with recent activity in the sidebar. PPad is a 2-column, widget-ready theme with a hardwood look. (Contains sponsored links.) PRusti is a 3-column, widget-ready theme. (Contains sponsored links.)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 6/30


Bloggers Cafe is a 2-column, brown theme with a simple header image to set the theme’s tone. Twitter is a 2-column theme that makes your blog looks like a Twitter installation. Bams Oceanblue is a 2-column, adsense-ready theme. (Contains sponsored links.) Dotted Art is a 2-column with header graphic, simple background graphic, and rounded edges. (Contains sponsored links.) Mysterious Illusion is a 2-column, widget-ready theme with social bookmarking links. (Contains sponsored links.)

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WordPress Theme Releases for 6/29


Classical Elegance is a 3-column, widget-ready theme with options page which allows you to choose an asides category. The theme also supports Ultimate Tag Warrior and Share This. Fleu de Lys is a 3-column theme with eight beautiful flower views prepared as header images, flickr support, bookmark service and a related post php code built in. The frontpage shows the latest post with the previous posts underneath divided by the post info such as time and tags. I’m Okay is a 2-column theme with black background and rounded corners. Magazine is a 2-column, fixed-width theme. Wpdesigner5 is a three column, widget-ready, blue, white, and green theme with a horizontal menu. Audiophile 3C is a 3-column, widget-ready theme designed for music and entertainment sites. (Contains sponsored links.) CityView is a 2-column, red theme with rounded corners. (Contains sponsored links.) Pame is a 2-column theme with dark colors and built-in comment plugin. […]

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WordPress Theme Releases for 6/28


Buddha Expert is an attractive, 3-column theme with adsense support. Ice 3.17 is a 3-column, fluid theme with support for related posts,, and Flickr. Olive Green is a 1-column, light-weight theme. Organic is a 2-column, widget-ready theme that supports a custom header image and “author comment highlight” feature. Simpletex is a 2-column, fixed-width template with light color blend. Blogbabe is a 3-column, widget-ready theme geared for female-oriented blogs. (Contains sponsored links.) DarkOFluid is a 2-column theme set on black with white and pink highlights. (Contains sponsored links.) Emporium Business is a 3-column, professional theme. (Contains sponsored links.) Widepress is a 2-column theme with a wide sidebar. (Contains sponsored links.)

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