Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Plugins’

Backing Up WordPress

September 20th, 2010
HOW-TO, WordPress, WordPress FAQs, WordPress Tips

You can’t be too careful these days. You’ve put a lot of work into your blog, and it would be a shame to see it lost forever just because you accidentally deleted something you shouldn’t have, it was hacked, or your server had a catastrophic meltdown. There are many ways to backup WordPress, so I’m just going to cover some of the easiest and most complete methods. First of all, your files are easy to backup. Since WordPress can be downloaded at any time, you only need to worry about files that you’ve customized or uploaded, which should leave only your wp-config.php file and everything under the /wp-content/ directory. You can easily backup these files by accessing your server via FTP or SFTP and downloading them. Now for the database, which includes all of your content and settings. Just like almost everything in life, there’s the easy way and the […]

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Boost Site Engagement and Return Visits with Evernote Site Memory

September 19th, 2010

Would you like to provide 4 million users with an easy way to save information about your website? Chances are that you have heard of Evernote, the on-the-cloud note-taking application available on multiple platforms. One of the newest features announced by the Evernote team is Evernote Site Memory. Here is what Site Memory does for your website: Allows visitors to save posts from your site – When you add the Site Memory button to your site, visitors can automatically save posts, pages, and content defined by you to their Evernote your visitors can save posts and pages to Evernote as clips. You have total control of what Evernote saves, the save location of the clip, and how the clips are tagged. Easy Access to Favorites – When visitors return to your website and click on the Site Memory button they are presented with everything that they have ever clipped from […]

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Pin Your Blog with WordPress and IE9

September 18th, 2010
WordPress, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Tools

The public beta of Internet Explorer 9 launched just a few days ago, and has already launched support for IE9’s new pinning feature. users can now pin their blog to their Windows taskbar, allowing them to immediately launch the blog from the taskbar and write a post, moderate comments, and view stats from a contextual menu. Self-installed WordPress users can also join the pin party with the new Internet Explorer Site Pinning plugin. The plugin is only two days old, so it’s not as fully featured as’s implementation, but more features are on the way. The one Windows PC that I do own will forever remain on Windows XP, so I won’t be able to take part in the IE9 festivities, but I’d love to hear your take on IE9. Should we shudder and be fearful, or should we cheer and be joyful?

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 09/17

September 17th, 2010
WordPress Plugins

New plugins post2ebook generates ebook versions of any post you want and automatically inserts links to the generated ebooks within the post. Register Plus Redux is a fork of the popular and abandoned Register Plus with several enhancements, including a customized registration page, user-entered passwords, an invitation code system, and email verification. Theme Rotator lets you define dates when your themes should be activated automatically. Vimeo SimpleGallery lets you add a gallery of Vimeo videos to your site, displaying thumbnails for each video. YouTube SimpleGallery let’s you add a gallery of YouTube videos to your site, displaying thumbnails for each video. Updated plugins Auto Copyright automatically generates a copyright notice based on the first and last post published in the WordPress database. IE6 Upgrade Option displays a warning message, simply and politely informing the user that their browser is out of date and provides links to download newer and more […]

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It has certainly been a busy week for the team with the launch of Subscriptions and now Email Post Changes, a new feature designed to improve author collaboration by sending emails whenever a post is modified. Basically, it’s the Post Revisions feature, but with email notification for registered authors. To enable Email Post Changes, go to Settings/Email Post Changes in your admin panel. You’ll be able to choose which registered authors receive notifications and add additional email addresses. If you have a self-hosted WordPress blog with multiple authors, you can install the official Email Post Changes plugin to enjoy the same great features. You may also be interested in Audit Trail (“keep track of what is going on inside your blog”), Capability Manager (“to manage WordPress roles and capabilities”), Highlight Author Comments (to “display comments made by a post’s author in a distinctive style with no need to edit […]

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 09/13

September 13th, 2010
WordPress Plugins

New plugins BlogUpp! – Blog Promotion provides exposure for blog posts through an interactive widget, as well as via auto-share on social networks, and our blog discovery toolbar and directory. Github Ribbon can be used to add Github ribbons to your website and can be configured either for the entire site or on a post by post basis. Google Scribe allows you to enable Google Scribe on the WordPress comment input box. Membership lite allows you to transform your WordPress site into a fully functional membership site. Note: This plugin requires “admin” to be the username of the administrator account, but this can be overridden by editing the membership-config.php file. Ozh’ Spam Magnet Checker allows you to identify which posts are attracting the most spam. Note: This is the new plugin version of the script that was previously featured in Find Your Spam Magnets. Updated plugins BackWPup allows you to backup […]

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 09/09

September 9th, 2010
WordPress Plugins

New plugins Scripts n Styles allows Admin users the ability to add custom CSS (at the bottom of the head tag) and JavaScript (at the bottom of the body tag) directly into individual Posts, Pages or any other registered custom post types. Updated plugins AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Button helps people share, bookmark, and email your posts and pages using any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Delicious, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites. Fast Secure Contact Form for WordPress lets your visitors send you a quick E-mail message and blocks all common spammer tactics. Subscribe2 sends a list of subscribers an email notification when new posts are published to your blog. WP System Health provides a comprehensive overview of your WordPress parameter and server performance.

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WordPress Plugin Releases for 09/05

September 5th, 2010
WordPress Plugins

New plugins List Yo’ Files adds the ability to list files by file name for a given folder with hyperlinks to each file making it downloadable. Readable Names forces commenters to write their names in the language that your blog uses. WP-comment-master enhances your comments with AJAX posting and pagination. WP-WikiBox allows you to get a Wikipedia article summary for a keyword in any language, inline with your posts and pages, with a simple shortcode. Updated plugins IE6 Upgrade Option displays a warning message, simply and politely informing the IE6 user that their browser is out of date, and provides links to download newer browsers. Vimeo Quicktag enables the user to embed a customized Vimeo video into the blog content. WP-Stats-Dashboard displays your blog’s stats graph plus your blog traffic, social engagement and social influence directly in your dashboard.

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Lorelle’s Mind Blowing WordPress Plugins

September 2nd, 2010
LinkyLoo, WordPress, WordPress Plugins

Lorelle VanFossen has published a recap of her Mind Blowing WordPress Plugins session given on August 29th at OpenCamp in Addison, TX. To Lorelle, “a mind blowing WordPress Plugin is one that breaks the rules. It is unique and original in its implementation, and pushes WordPress. It might not be a Plugin that everyone must have on their site. It might not be a Plugin that even interests you. What these will do is to get you to look at the incredible diversity of Plugins available.” Her recap not only briefly covers the topics discussed during her session, but she also lists all of the plugins that were featured, and that list is well worth exploring. Even if you think your blog couldn’t possibly use any more plugins, you might find something that you (or rather your blog) just can’t live without.

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