Unteins (Jason Goldsmith) has released a set of plugins for WordPress 1.2 that provide compatibility with LiveJournal. The set includes: LJ Moods – places moods at the end of WordPress Posts LJ Music – places current musci at the end of WordPress Posts LJ Tags – allows the use of LJ user and LJ Cut tags in WordPress Posts LJ Synch – Synchs posts between WordPress and LiveJournal (turns WP into a very basic LJ client, it supports send mood, music and editing posts) LJ Extras – A nice GUI interface for setting the Moods, Music and selecting which LJ journal to post to as well as whether or not to synch changes to LJ The plugins are available now and can be downloaded at http://jason.goldsmith.us/wp-plugins/ljplugins.zip Donations gladly accepted 😉
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