This is the latest beauti-feature-ful theme from WPThemes.Info . Check it out at Craving 4 Green page.
[Continue Reading...]This is the latest beauti-feature-ful theme from WPThemes.Info . Check it out at Craving 4 Green page.
[Continue Reading...]WPThemes: A whole bunch of two column themes for WordPress. Some I have seen before, others I seem to have missed.
[Continue Reading...]Wp Theme: Zimpleza Minimalist, three column, bue and black on white theme for WordPress with a cool blockquote “sticky note” look. Thanks Ivan.
[Continue Reading...]An Improved version of the GreenTrack theme is now available at WPThemes.Info. Check it out !
[Continue Reading...]ShoZu: Mobile Photo Upload This purpportedly allows uploads of pictures and videos from your mobile phone to sites such as Flickr and multiple blogs such as Blogger, Typepad and WordPress. Any users in our midst?
[Continue Reading...]WP Plugin: PMetrics (update) The Performancing Metrics plugin for WordPress has had some updates worth mentioning including new sidebar widgets. Thanks Dave.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Durable v0.2 One column theme for WordPress. Looks kinda like an old school LJ theme. Reminds me of Hemingway. [EDIT] Link Fixed on suggestion.
[Continue Reading...]Grazr: Simple AJAX feed Add an AJAX feed box into your blog using Grazr. Find a more comprehensive review here.
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