Thesis on the Social Phenomena of Blogs: Interesting and detailed read. Seasoned bloggers might find the information to be a tad cliche’d.
[Continue Reading...]Thesis on the Social Phenomena of Blogs: Interesting and detailed read. Seasoned bloggers might find the information to be a tad cliche’d.
[Continue Reading...]Google Blog Search : Search blogs (exclusively) through Google. Is this the first step to isolate that arena from search results?
[Continue Reading...]Free web statistics? Do not count on it! Ouch! Removed Webstats4u. Do you still get popups?
[Continue Reading...]Anconia RocketPost Another highly priced desktop blogging tool. This one lets you download all your existing posts to your desktop which could be really cool if it also downloaded the comments and/or other options on your weblog. It would be like a hybrid Userland/Wordpress blogging tool.
[Continue Reading...]Codase – Source Code Search Engine : Sweet! This search would have rocked my world exactly a year ago. This only works for C/C++ for now, is syntax aware and the repository is growing. This would be cool if scripting languages could be added. Via Email
[Continue Reading...]AdSense TroubleShooting Demo: More AdSense information overload. Interesting use of Macromedia Breeze, would have excited me more if it was using Meyer’s S5 Thanks Simple Thoughts
[Continue Reading...] Another WordPress MU site
[Continue Reading...]WordPress Theme Toolkit Helps theme authors in adding an admin menu to customise their blogs. Pretty cool with lots of examples for the beginner theme author.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Renovatio Two column and functional wordpress theme with splashes of novelty thrown in such as dynamic image headers, an admin page to tweak the index further and a magazine-like interface. This could also be a good starting point for someone who likes the index but would like a different CSS. That makes me think. More people should develop barebones index types and let others generate different CSSs for them.
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