WP Theme: Senorita Two column flowery, shadowy colorful theme for WordPress from the WPThemes.info folks.
[Continue Reading...]WP Theme: Senorita Two column flowery, shadowy colorful theme for WordPress from the WPThemes.info folks.
[Continue Reading...]Making Money From Blog Archives Interesting article. I did not get a chance to read through all of it, but it seems as if my greatest earners have been my archives (not here, but elsewhere); thus the interest.
[Continue Reading...]CNN Blog Producer Producer will cover web-logs (blogs), pod-casts, and other internet-based forms of new media. The web producer will locate, research, and report on blogs and web sites that include news, politics, policy, commentary, and other information of value to our viewers. The results will be daily television segments reporting on this area of the media. This person will be responsible for producing both the editorial content and also the graphic and video elements necessary to develop each segment. This person will also report on-air as needed. I wonder how long these “blogging bubble” jobs are going to last before they get absorbed into mainstream media positions. Thanks Blog Herald
[Continue Reading...]Track daily earnings in your feed reader
[Continue Reading...]Google Lisence Plate Cover Google License Plate Frame If you’re feeling lucky, let your fellow motorists know where things stand. (We can’t guarantee they won’t tailgate, though.) Thanks SlickDeals (and when did they start a Google Store???)
[Continue Reading...]$2.99 domain names from Yahoo (again) A good deal for those in the market. I gots myself a couple for a few years (for some stuff that I am working on 😉 ).
[Continue Reading...]Where do you gada.be?
[Continue Reading...]Blogging Prof loses tenure possibly due to blog
[Continue Reading...]Yahoo unveils blog search tool Is this an attempt to one up Google blog search or as Jeremy says, ( I can’t find the post right now) did Yahoo already have blog search in the works but was not timely enough to release it before Google? In any case, you judge the results. I personally think they still need a lot more data and more fine tuning and the results page make it look like Feedster (or does Feedster look like Yahoo?)
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