‘General’ Category

Pictorialis changes

April 26th, 2004

I have made some small changes to Pictorialis which are reflected in the new download. – Two different methods of creation of thumbnails – Choose a small area of the picture – Chose whole picture – Now has the ability of using NetPBM instead of GD, option in wp-admin/post.php – Better upload code, faster processing – Addition of extra code to weed out posts with no pictures. This blog now produces thumbnails of posts which have pictures and thus pictorialis can now be used as a full text blog as well without penalty. There are some more updates and fixes planned, they will come as and when time permits.

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This is me

April 13th, 2004

Mark suggested I introduce myself …… Self taught in all things html / css, I know nothing about php (yet), using WordPress since early January (before that tried Blogger / MT / Nucleus and more – didn’t like them) prior to that I hand coded, love playing with code and breaking it because then I can see better how it works, and am nearly always to be found in front of my computer. Other interests include bodyart (27 piercings, 3 tattoos, 2 implants), console gaming, I wrote and maintain www.abody.co.uk (a bodyart studio site), I run the interviews and statistics part of www.ukbodyart.org and I’ve not long bought Diablo 2. My site is www.tamba2.org.uk There’s probably more, but I won’t bore you any more 🙂

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Nick Bradbury

April 12th, 2004

The creator and author of TopStyle, the tool kit for creating standards-compliant sites through valid CSS and XHTML, as well as FeedDemon, which is a highly-rated RSS aggregator, is in the middle of a personal challenge right now. He is undergoing some spinal surgery to rectify some chronic pain he has been having. You can send him a Get Well Soon wish on his blog and encourage him to rest, relax, and heal up properly! You can find out more about Nick’s software by visiting his site. I personally have been using TopStyle Pro for a couple years now, and I find it to be an indispensible tool in helping me with my WordPress sites. I was also a beta tester for FeedDemon, as well. Best wishes to Nick and his family.

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Second Golden Rule of Blogging

April 7th, 2004
General, Golden Rules

Avoid funky, overdone, extreme overpopulation of code and information. We are all guilty of this, no doubt about it. But if your page opens up a virtual window everytime someone mouseovers the main page, you have gone too far. You want your site to look nice, be easy to navigate and attractive enough to come back to. Thats all that matters. If in the process you write compliant code which follows standards then kudos go to you. But quit with the flash and javascript effects already. Thankfully, I have come across only a few sites which include flash in a blog, but that time is sure to come. Code is a boon and a curse in many ways. The main purpose of a blog or a webpage is lost in the translation. The original CodeProject webpages are good examples of excessive amounts of information cramped into a very small space. […]

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Creating dynamic PNGs from text using PHP

March 16th, 2004

I was wondering how Matt made the titles of his posts appear so perfect and I realized that they were PNG (portable network graphics or simple picture files) files. So I started looking for ways to convert text into PNG automagically using PHP. This would enable all kinds of freaky fonts, colors and other magic to be used with inline text. I came up with this wonderful article from NewtNotes which explains the process of creating PNG files from TTF fonts using PHP and even provides source code. Here is the link to the tutorial. I blog this so when inspiration strikes, I can whip up some code myself! 😉

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A request to update your links

March 15th, 2004

My domain names have recently changed and I would really appreciate it if incoming links were updated. They are: Weblog Tools Collection: http://weblogtoolscollection.com/ Mindful Musings: http://mindfulmusings.net/weblog/ Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

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Fixed the CSS

March 12th, 2004

Why didn’t anyone tell me that the menu/body looked horrible in IE? It should be better now! 🙂

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Thank you

March 12th, 2004

A heartfelt thank you to all of you who have left me a donation in the recent past. I have been terribly busy switching over my servers and getting my thesis in order and have neglected my duties a little bit. As you are already aware, there is a small donate icon (through Paypal) on the right hand menu. I will graciously accept and appreciate any donation towards the upkeep of this site, however small the donation might be. There are more items that I would like to add on this site. I think NuclearMoose will be taking up the CSS end of things and I am trying to get a couple of other people to work with blogging tools other than WordPress. I am going to keep writing and documenting WordPress related items and listing my own work on here. If you need custom scripts, a custom CSS, some […]

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New web host search and a proposed solution

March 9th, 2004

I might have to switch hosts. I have been looking for sometime now and would really like to switch to a dedicated server somewhere with root access. However, with my present financial restrictions, that is not possible (lowest price for a well known dedicated host I found was $49/m with $99 setup fee) I have narrowed my choices down to IXWebHosting They seem to have a pretty good plan and will cost me $20/m with a $20 setup fee which I can afford. I really dont want my cable modem to be turned off because of all of this web traffic. Here are some of the features of the “Gold Plan” that I am looking into: Advanced Domain Hosting + UNLIMITED Disk Space + Host up to 6 Domains & 30 Sub Domains + 6 dedicated IPs, 30GB Data Transfer + SSL Hosting & Shared SSL included + CGI-BIN, Perl, […]

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