‘General’ Category

Staticise Analysis = Prepare to be Slashdotted!

July 26th, 2004

I know that a lot of people understand the power of caching, but the numbers are elusive and difficult to pin down with real experiments. I saw an experiment online that tested and compared high load servers and decided to use the recently published staticise plugin as my test bed. I ran two seperate test sets, one with a vanilla WordPress 1.2 install with 20 posts on the main page and about 25 links in the link manager. The second set was on the same blog with Staticise 1.2 default install, no tweaks. This was run on a RedHat 9 machine with 512 megs of RAM and an Athlon 1000Mhz processor running its own MySql server. There was no network involved (localhost) and I did not have any other hosts hitting the machine with Apache requests. Apache Bench was used to create the results. As was demonstrated on the Mambo […]

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July 26th, 2004
Blogging News, General, Web Design

Wordlog.com: Carthik is too decent to tout his own creation so I am going to do it for him. He has created another blog to write about WordPress related items. Very good content from a very accomplished and appreciated contributor to the WordPress world. Go visit him and bookmark!

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Free hosted WP blogs at gnuker

July 25th, 2004

New free hosted WordPress offer : Guest Demo Never used WordPress before and want to take a look inside? Take a run with our guest login to see how a default user account looks. Username: guest Password: guestdemo We hope you like it enough to join us. Remember 50 meg – 1 gig of Free Space for your The “podz” in the url http://gnuker.com/podz/index.php?p=2 is mysterious. Wonder what Podz has to do with this, if at all 🙂 It comes with a few plugins, and seems to be free, without any ads, or nonsense.

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WP vs MT : Moratorium

July 21st, 2004

Dvorak was assailed by Joi and Anil on his comparison of WP and MT. Anil, via Joi made some comments which I would like to write about. I had written up an extensive refute to all of the points that Anil makes in his email. However, I have decided to refrain from making that writeup public in order to pour some water on the wildfire and extend an olive branch. Before I cluck chicken, I would like to state for everyone, the reasons behind my predisposition. My awareness of the problems facing the competing groups in the blogging world was further raised by a very well meaning person. I would like to share some of the thoughts. There are enough blogs and bloggers for all of the groups to coexist happily. There IS enough room for everyone to thrive and be successful. Infighting among the ranks will make the medium […]

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An example of the default CSS with WordPress


For some reason, many think that in order to style a WordPress weblog, you need to know PHP. You don’t. Or people are confused by CSS and end up using html and tables to create effects that can otherwise be achieved just by using the default tags that are in a WordPress install. So in that vein, I created a default WP weblog, and altered nothing except the layout css. It’s not meant to show off any design skills, or to get any awards for ‘best use of colour’, but hopefully it will let you see just how much control you have already without the need to alter anything else. It is basic stuff – another blog with more advanced techniques soon I hope – but if you have a have a WordPress weblog, hopefully it will start to inspire you when looking to alter your design in some way. […]

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July 19th, 2004
Cool Scripts, General

I now have a method for everyone to quickly share files on the internet without having to use any tools and/or accounts beside your browser. If you need to quickly share a file with a friend or a coworker or need to send a file home and do not have the capability to send it through email or otherwise, you can use this tool. Some of the features of this tool includes: Password protected, random filename generation Simple upload and download Files get purged in seven days, no stagnation Simple to remember and simple to pass along Complete anonymity In order to protect myself from abusers, I do record information about each user (which will never be used for any purpose besides accountability for your uploads). Put it through its paces and see what you think. UploadBin can be found at http://weblogtoolscollection.com/uploadbin/ Please post bugs and/or comments, this will be […]

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July 13th, 2004

POP3 Compatible, 1.2 Mingus script to post from Sprint phones Play email catchup Work more on UploadBin Read some blogs This new job has kept me so incredibly busy and tired that I have missed my beloved blogging. I need to do some reading and some catching up on writing, there are some really interesting ideas on the list.

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What does “beta” really mean??

July 6th, 2004

To add some fuel to the fire I started with the switch from Gmail, let me ask the vox populii this…what does the versioning of “beta” mean for software and what to expect from it? Just because a service is beta DOES NOT mean that it can be of really poor quality nor does it mean that it is all right for the service (or the product) to break everything. Just because I term my software beta, it should not fail to load every three hours. Beta, to me, means “might have some issues, most of which have been resolved”. If it is at the point of “might break at every mouse click”, it should be termed alpha or pre-alpha. Have we gotten away from writing good code and providing honest services to jump on the early release bandwagon? Or am I just too critical and demanding?

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Reverting email

July 6th, 2004

Until further notice, I am reverting my primary email back to dinki at mac.com, in other words, if you need to contact me, please use dinki at mac.com The GMail service is simply annoying. It is up only at non-peak times and is inaccessible during peak hours, when I use it the most. The most important feature that ANY email service can provide is access to their system which GMail lacks at this time, thus making it a terrible service no matter what the other benefits are. Switching completely to GMail was a mistake. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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