‘Code’ Category

IRC to blog script


I wanted to tinker with the socket capabilities of PHP and wrote some small scripts to support automatic blogging of IRC conversations. It turned out pretty well after a few changes and issues that needed to be resolved. Here are the results. The likely suspect is the #wordpress channel on irc.freenode.net where developers, contributors as well as helpful friendly folk hang out often. All of the conversations from that channel are now blogged to http://proc.homeip.net/wordpress/ This is merely an experiment and if there are major objections to this process, this blog will be removed. Some of the salient features of this include automatic blogging using xmlrpc. The script does not have to reside on the webhost machine. It is extremely fast and very configurable. At this time, every peice of conversation from every user is blogged as a seperate entry with the topic of the entry as the username of […]

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Threaded comments hack for WordPress 1.2+

May 9th, 2004
Code, WordPress Hack

I redid the threaded comments for WordPress 1.2 + Now the install is very simple and the threads are formatted a little better. There is a very small CSS bug where in Opera the lower threads get smaller in size. I have not had the time to fix it yet, if you come up with a solution, please post it and I will add it to the distribution. As always, please backup everything before installing this hack or any others. You can see it at work here: http://mindfulmusings.net/testwp You can download the zip file from here: http://weblogtoolscollection.com/b2-img/threaded.zip

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XHTML syndication

May 3rd, 2004
Code, Cool Scripts, Weblog Add-Ons

I stumbled upon something yesterday that I thought could be really useful, at least to me. Many people have suggested and explored the idea of XHTML syndication. Some have come from big names such as Anil Dash and Tantek. However, there is very little implementation. If every blog/CMS could have its own link for a file that spits out formatted XHTML code, life would be easier. For example, if I wanted to provide a little feed of my weblogtoolscollection, I would simply include a file from that blog that would spit out pre-formatted, pre determined code. No messing with XML, no tags to worry about or feeds to validate and then parse. The div tags etc could be defined in simple, easy to understand terms and would allow simple CSS formatting as well. A couple of different methods could be used to generate and then serve the file. WordPress could […]

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Looking for someone with some Blosxom experience

April 29th, 2004

I am looking for someone with some Blosxom experience to port my WayPath hack/plugin to Blosxom/Perl. It should not require too much work, just some knowledge of the existing code and a simple port of the XMLRPC API that is already supplied with Blosxom. If you are interested, please leave a comment or email me at dinki at mac dot com. There is already a perl plugin for MT which can be easily replicated. Also, if you do use Blosxom as a blogging tool, I would love to get some input on what you think of it and maybe a writeup or two on it.

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Kses based HTML checking

April 23rd, 2004
Code, Cool Scripts, Weblog Add-Ons

Kses are a set of PHP scripts written by Ulf which removes all unwanted HTML elements and attributes, and it also does several checks on attribute values. kses can be used to avoid Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Buffer Overflows and Denial of Service attacks I have modified the original kses distribution scripts to allow the checking of allowed HTML tags. This code will fill in incomplete or incorrectly nested HTML/XHTML tags as well. I am working towards coding an HTML filter and validator and this is the first step. Future enhancements include checking and correction of validitity according to the doc-type mentioned in the HEAD etc. For now, here is the link to the modified kses.php file. For WordPress users, you can simply download this file, rename it to kses.php and upload it to the wp-includes directory of your WordPress installation. For all other uses, please follow the directions inside the […]

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WordPress PhotoBlog New Version


There is a new version of Pictorialis out which fixes a couple of issues that were brought up with the Beta and you can download it from http://weblogtoolscollection.com/b2-img/pictorialis.zip Fixes for this version include: – Built in EXIF support which does not need pre-compiled EXIF in PHP – There is a selection mechanism for versions of GD which makes sure you always get the best possible thumbnails and pictures conversion. – This also has some file upload fixes which makes sure that the uploaded files do not get erased before the script gets a chance to grab the files. – The installation process has also been better defined with some fixes for the installation troubles reported from the previous version. As in the pervious version, this new version has the following features: – XHTML compliant code – Simple once click addition of photos, auto thumbnail and resizing – Extraction of EXIF […]

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Referrer Spam Removal

April 12th, 2004
Code, Cool Scripts, Weblog Add-Ons

We have all been the victim of referrer spam in one way or the other and I have often wanted to show people the easy way to prevent this kind of prarsite from sucking our bandwidth (and getting in on the search engine action) SpywareInfo has a good article on referrer spam and also have some easy solutions to block out referrer spammers.

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Internet Explorer 7 (!!)

March 14th, 2004
Blogging News, Code, Web Ethics

This is a direct quote from dean.edwards.name/IE7/intro/ compliance patch! This is an attempt to make Microsoft Internet Explorer more compliant when it comes to web standards. Web developers are becoming increasingly frustrated at the lack of convergence of the major browser vendors. We need a level playing field! CSS is a powerful technology. Many of it’s more advanced features go unused by web developers because of Explorer’s poor support of CSS standards. IE7 provides support for most of the important CSS enhancements. A full list is available on the compatibility page. Thought I would blog about it. Some people could really use it! 🙂

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WordPress MySql dump files

February 23rd, 2004

In response to recent queries about an existing MySql dump file for WordPress, I have created a couple. To use these MySql dump files, the wp-config.php file should show the db perfix to be ‘wp_’ Create a database (and make sure your database connection options are setup in wp-config.php) and then import in the sql file through a command line MySql client or through a tool like phpMyAdmin. The admin username is ‘admin’ and password is set to ‘password’. Remember to change the admin password after you login. Look for further instructions here:http://wiki.wordpress.org/index.php/Restore%20Instructions Here is a link to the WordPress 1.01 Miles dump file: http://weblogtoolscollection.com/b2-img/wp1_0_1_miles_sqldump.sql Here is a link to the WordPress 1.1 Beta (latest nightly) dump file: http://weblogtoolscollection.com/b2-img/wp_1_1_beta_sqldump.sql Please read the next part before downloading: There is an item that I did not think about and that is my mistake. Once you download these files, before you import them […]

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