Jakob Nielsen’s Top Ten Blog Design Mistakes Via Six Apart’s Pronet. Anil really pulls out the salient parts of the article. I am guilty of not having an “About me” page.
[Continue Reading...]Jakob Nielsen’s Top Ten Blog Design Mistakes Via Six Apart’s Pronet. Anil really pulls out the salient parts of the article. I am guilty of not having an “About me” page.
[Continue Reading...]Making Money From Blog Archives Interesting article. I did not get a chance to read through all of it, but it seems as if my greatest earners have been my archives (not here, but elsewhere); thus the interest.
[Continue Reading...]CNN Blog Producer Producer will cover web-logs (blogs), pod-casts, and other internet-based forms of new media. The web producer will locate, research, and report on blogs and web sites that include news, politics, policy, commentary, and other information of value to our viewers. The results will be daily television segments reporting on this area of the media. This person will be responsible for producing both the editorial content and also the graphic and video elements necessary to develop each segment. This person will also report on-air as needed. I wonder how long these “blogging bubble” jobs are going to last before they get absorbed into mainstream media positions. Thanks Blog Herald
[Continue Reading...]Track daily earnings in your feed reader
[Continue Reading...]Blogging Prof loses tenure possibly due to blog
[Continue Reading...]Verisign buys Weblogs.com for $2 million Another sale, another few millions, another big name forays into the weblog market in a big way.
[Continue Reading...]Macworld: The best blogging tools for the MacRight now, the blogging tools most popular with Mac users are TypePad and Movable Type, both from Six Apart; Blogspot and Blogger, from Blogger (now part of Google); and WordPress, an open-source tool. These five tools range in power and complexity from simple-but-limited (TypePad, Blogger, and Blogspot) to do-pretty-much-anything-but-may-require-coding (WordPress). Movable Type is somewhere between these two extremes. Thanks Google Alerts
[Continue Reading...]Net, Thou Art Dust … RSS is the death of the Internet. You decide. How and why is this new to people in this business? Thanks Simon
[Continue Reading...]Measure Map: New Blog Analytics Tool: Anyone want to share inside notes? Part of the Adaptive Path family. Thanks Technoogle
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