Best computer for blogging? Is it going to be a PC or a Mac? I have always been a Windows user with Mac undertones. I cannot see myself switching completely, ever.
[Continue Reading...]Best computer for blogging? Is it going to be a PC or a Mac? I have always been a Windows user with Mac undertones. I cannot see myself switching completely, ever.
[Continue Reading...]Web sites judged in a blink “If the first impression is negative, you’ll probably drive people off.” We always knew this but there is more research behind first impressions on the web. However, how does this work when content is read through syndication?
[Continue Reading...]More VC equals More Pro Bloggers? More fun on Web 2.0 VC funding for “Pro” blogging. This article looks at the other side of the coin. In my opinion, all of this funding does not spell the demise of print.
[Continue Reading...]Six Apart Affiliate Program: Six Apart has launched an affiliate program for Movable Type, TypePad and LiveJournal. You can earn affiliate commissions from each referral. Referrals are monitored by Commission Junction. Thanks Anil via email
[Continue Reading...]Increasing AdSense Revenue on Forums: I can attest that not displaying ads on entry pages work better for the bottom line. I wish there were some further (publicly published) metrics on tweaking Adsense revenue. If there are links that are pertinent/experiences that work for people, please leave a comment.
[Continue Reading...]Brokering Big Blogs: How is that for an alliteration? If you have missed this peice of news, Jeremy over at Ensight is brokering the sale of a “big” blog that is within the Top 100 Top 200 blogs on the Internet. If nothing else, he is creating enough chatter about it. He is a blog marketer and he is doing what he does best, drawing attention to himself (and more power to him for being so good at doing that, remember the eBay blog sale?). Blogs, especially successful blogs, are quickly becoming sought after commodities that can make decent money for the seller thanks in part to Jeremy and others like him. However, I firmly believe that the author makes a blog and not the content or the network that the blog resides on. My initial thought was that Om Malik was going to be selling his blog (which does […]
[Continue Reading...]How Big A Problem Is Blog Plagiarism? I have written about this in the past and used to have very strong views about it. In the past couple of weeks I have been alerted by readers and friends of quite a few other blogs that are copying my content (among others) and publishing it as their own. The number is surprisingly large. I stand on the fence on this issue. I love this comment on the Techdirt article. I came here from memeorandum, which is another site profitting from your content. That’s how the blogosphere works. I think our view of IP in the blog world will have to go through some major upheaval (like Om’s discussion) and might even need a few big lawsuits before bloggers know how far they can go without getting making people angry.
[Continue Reading...]Yahoo! to offer WordPress as well?
[Continue Reading...]Yahoo offers Movable Type for bloggers … Yahoo will be the preferred supplier of Movable Type for small businesses
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