Author Archive

Upcoming Interview with Jane Wells WordPress Designer

April 22nd, 2009

I have some terrific news – Jane Wells has been gracious enough to agree to an interview with me about some WordPress related topics. We are going to discuss bug hunts, WordPress 2.8 and what it is like to work on interface and experience design for WordPress. It is possible that if you have ever attended a WordCamp then you might have heard Jane speak about WordPress as she travels a lot for those.  I have not had that opportunity yet but am looking for an event close by to be able to attend. One other area of the interview that Jane is willing to take questions on is from you, the readers of So if you have a question you would like me to ask Jane as part of the interview please post it in the comments of this post and we will select a few to ask […]

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WordPress Add Twitter RSS Plugin Review

April 15th, 2009
WordPress Plugins

I am a huge fan of simple plugins that add functionality to my website using WordPress.  Some are quite simple and as was discussed in the comments on the Admin Links Widget review I did last week, many can be done via hacks within your WordPress theme files. Now, I have been known to edit my files in the past to get a bit of functionality on my site but I much prefer to use a plugin that does the insert for me and then is easily deactivated if necessary or translates over to other themes without having to edit another group of theme specific files. That brings me to a follow on discussion I mentioned in my Download Monitor plugin review a few days ago. You  need something that will keep visitors coming back to your website. On this website it is the daily theme and plugin update entries […]

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WordPress Download Monitor Review

April 13th, 2009
WordPress Plugins

When you build a website – what is your goal?  Most of us want to get visitors and provide a product that our readers and visitors will enjoy.  One of the ways you can add some value to your website is to offer downloads.  These downloads an be pretty much anything you want them to be – the goal of course would be having something that people want. So whatever that download is you certainly want to keep track of it and see how many people are finding value in your provided download. I am currently using the Download Monitor plugin from Mike Jolley and it provides me everything I need to setup my websites downloads and keep track of them easily. Once you have installed the plugin from the WordPress Plugin directory – head into your Admin panel and activate the plug in. You will now find a menu […]

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An Introduction and a Plugin Review: Admin Links Widget

April 7th, 2009
WordPress Plugins

Hello everyone.  My name is Rich Hay and I want to start off by thanking Mark for inviting me to write for Weblog Tools Collection.  I have been a long time reader of this site so it is both exciting and humbling to be given the opportunity to write about WordPress on here. I look forward to our interactions in the future. I have been banging around the Internet since the early 90’s and put my first website online at  The technology has come along way since those days and I have now been maintaining and developing in one form or another since 1995. So as I was looking around for a subject to write about for my first blog post here I decided I would select what I consider to be a very simple but useful plugin – at least for my aesthetics. By default when you […]

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