Email Users allows you to send an e-mail to your registered blog users, based on their role. iCal Posts creates an iCal feed from your blog posts, which can be added to pretty much any popular website (such as Google Calendar) or application (such as Microsoft Outlook). IIS Authentication allows WordPress to recognize IIS authentication methods, allowing the user to log in with an IIS authentication method such as Windows Authentication, Basic Authentication, or the ASP.NET forms authentication. Leprakhauns Character Count uses javascript to count the visible characters in a post. Meta Description Updater helps you easily update your description in header meta tag. (English download page.) WP-PTViewer includes interactive panoramas inside posts and pages. Short Permalink includes short permalinks on each post to use in microblogging, emails, IM or another notes. Shutter Reloaded is an image viewer for your website that works similarly to Lightbox, Thickbox, etc. but is […]
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