New Plugins Buy Sell Ads WordPress Plugin Easily integrate your Buy Sell Ads zones and includes anti-AdBlock meaures to help prevent AdBlock (and similar software) from blocking Buy Sell Ads advertisements. Track MyBlogLog This plugin identifies and tracks MyBlogLog readers on your website. The plugin will store the user avatar, location, website, twitter, technorati, etc.. along with the last visit dates. Supple Forms Supple Forms is a CMS plugin for WordPress that lets you easily add a custom write panel or meta box to the Write Post/Write Page screen. It differs from other custom write panel plugins in that you can store your data in either WordPress Custom Fields or your own custom table that the plugin will create for you. Additionally, it provides a powerful HTML snippet tool that lets you format and insert your data into pages and posts with shortcodes, and without tweaking templates. SEO No Duplicate […]
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