
How To Disable Delete Post Functionality For Everyone Except Administrator

November 25th, 2009
WordPress FAQs, WordPress Tips



  1. Queue says:

    I’m not overwhelmingly sure who would trust someone enough to be an author – and thus have the ability to post ANYTHING in front of their entire audience’s eyes – but not enough to delete something, which would most likely just be something THEY posted anyway.

  2. Marcus Hochstadt (7 comments.) says:

    Hmm… Looks like support for the Role Manager plugin had stopped more than a year ago.

    Have you ever tried the Capability Manager plugin? At least it offers much of what RM users are longing for.


  3. Viper007Bond (91 comments.) says:

    Be VERY careful with plugins that mess with capabilties. Very easy to lock yourself out of your blog.

    I’d also strongly recommend against renaming any of the roles as when WordPress upgrades itself, it uses the role names to add new capabilities that didn’t previously exist. If you rename the roles, then these capabilities won’t be added.

    In short, not for the novice.


  1. How To Disable Delete Post Functionality For Everyone Except Administrator…

    WordPress has a pretty decent role management in place, which allows you to create users and assign them certain privileges and functionality. However, there are few things which you cannot do right now with it. For example, creating new roles, modifyi…

  2. […] en cuanto comentarles sobre el plugin Role Manager para WordPress, que al menos por lo que leo en Weblog Tool Collection, expandiendo la oportunidad que tiene el administrador general del sitio de autorizar o denegar una […]

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