Easy Asides for WordPress: Daniel has come up with another way to easily add “Asides” to your WordPress install. I use the category LinkyLoo (Of which this post is an example. If you are reading this is a feed reader, you are missing the effect) to the same effect. His method is WordPress 2.3 compatible and though it involves code modification, it is not very complex to implement.
Thanks, Mark. I’m having some fun with this hack. I actually think I like the way you’re including a permalink with the title — so I might do something similar in my template as well. You have the cooler date posting though, which my template doesn’t really have. Thanks again, and hope someone finds that approach useful.
How is this different from Matt’s Asides instructions in the Codex? I followed those instructions (with the help of a friend)and it seems to work perfectly fine on my 2.3 installation.
It’s a little less complicated, by not altering the existing ‘while’ statement — simply building it into the template instead. Just a slightly different approach, that’s all.
An easier approach is to use the Miniposts plugin. Take a gander at http://www.piepalace.ca/blog/projects/miniposts/
Or Sideblog ..
Does this work with the latest versions of K2? I’m finding the embedded asides code very tough to customize. This is much easier to manipulate. But I’m loathe to start messing around with the K2 loop…
Hi, Erigami and Shahab, I looked at your plug-ins when I set-out to incorporate Asides, and unfortunate for me — due to the way in which I needed to ‘hack’ the loop for my AdSense ads, I had to go with a manual method. I’m sure your plug-ins are a highly useful option for many WordPress bloggers though!