
Listing Your Plugin at the Plugin Directory




  1. Ozh (88 comments.) says:

    This (very nice) post is in itself a proof that there’s something awfully wrong with getting one’s plugin listed on One word: cumbersome. Something like is simple and very efficient. Having to use SVN to upload a simple plugin is totally overkill. In 95% of cases, a plugin is a one-coder no-update piece of code. That’s not what SVN was created for.

    Mark, Adjay: what is the purpose of asking Plugin Competition contestants to get their plugin hosted on needs no exposure, so I guess this requirement is here to make sure plugins have the maximum visibility and availability, right? If so, why not ask for an optional plugin page AND a mandatory upload, either on or ?

  2. Jenny (24 comments.) says:

    Wow there is a lot involved in listing a plugin!

  3. Matías (1 comments.) says:

    TortoiseSVN is indeed only for Windows users… but that’s only because Mac and Linux users already have the original tools to work with: svn.

    Checkout is made via: svn co –username
    Checkin is simpler: (while at the local folder) svn ci
    Tagging is like: (whila at local folder’s parent) svn copy

    Did I mention that no reboot is needed? Or that several GUIs exist for it?

  4. Mark Ghosh (386 comments.) says:

    Ozh, there is no requirement for the plugins to be hosted on the WordPress extend. It must be documented is all we require. I am sorry if I confused the issue somehow.

  5. Ronald Huereca (39 comments.) says:

    It would be nice if the process was more automated and a little easier. Some of the people with the smaller plugins may be just fine not listing at the official directory. Those with more complicated plugins may find that using the hosed subversion that WordPress offers a life saver. I personally like the benefits of saving bandwidth.

  6. Ozh (88 comments.) says:

    Mark » ho, great! Sounds indeed normal for a plugin. Don’t know why I had this requirement in mind :)
    Ronald » bandwidth ? :) Come on, any plugin you’d host would weight less than a third of your header images :)

  7. Ronald Huereca (39 comments.) says:

    I have demonstration videos in the trunk for one of my plugins. At about 1 MB a view, there is definitely some saved bandwidth.

  8. Chess Teachig (15 comments.) says:

    After reading this post I decided that I will not list my chess related plugins on At least not now.

  9. Ronald Huereca (39 comments.) says:

    Chess Teachig,
    Was it something about the post? :) — I’m just curious what your reasons are if you don’t mind explaining.

  10. fuggi (2 comments.) says:

    Thanks for the tutorial, it was really helpful for me as I was just about to add my plugin to the plugin directory. So now it can finally also be downloaded from there:

  11. Techie Buzz (3 comments.) says:

    Great post Ronald. I recently got approved to host my plugin better comments manager and this will definitely help me.

  12. huda (2 comments.) says:

    Nice and very useful information. I wrote my own plugins, but still ain’t familiar to any version control system. I’ve already had a approved folder months ago but it’s still abandoned.. :), hope I can upload my plugins soon.

  13. Mark Mathson (3 comments.) says:

    Although I have not written any WP Plugins yet, I feel it is a good idea for Plugin developers to submit what they made to plugin site. It gives them exposure and creates good central location for quality plugins.

  14. Chess Teaching (15 comments.) says:

    @ Ronald Huereca (question in comment 11)
    It was not something about the post. In fact the post makes it even easier, because all the steps are written down very clear.
    But it seems like a lot of work for a plugin that is only interesting for the limited group of chess bloggers.

  15. Andy Bailey (2 comments.) says:

    excellent tutorial, I’ve not been able to publish my plugin because I didn’t know how to use SVN. Thanks very much for this post. now my commentluv plugin is available to the world!

  16. Tarkan Akdam (1 comments.) says:

    Just wanted to thank you for this write-up. I have a very simple plugin and without having to study SVN I have managed to publish the plugin. Thanks Tarkan

  17. Joe (2 comments.) says:

    After receiving approval for my plugins, I looked everywhere for info on what to do next. No info in the approval e-mail, and the WP site’s ‘easy’ instructions assume I’m already familiar with SVN. Thanks for the tutorial so I can finally get my plugins in a more visible place. To bad it’s going to take more effort to do that than it did to write the plugins in the first place. Perhaps Matt’s next coding project should be a web-based code hosting app for the masses…

  18. Ronald Huereca (39 comments.) says:


    Please see this support thread.

    If it’s been more than a week, submit a bug report. It’s what the moderator of the thread recommends.

    I definitely agree on a more automated addition process.

  19. David Pankhurst (3 comments.) says:

    Very informative – and made the submission process much easier for me – thanks! I did have questions about tagging – is it mandatory, or is ‘trunk’ fine for everyone (and if so, does tagging need to be done)? As well, is the tagging number a personal choice, or does WP have a preference on how it works/is formatted?

  20. Ronald Huereca (66 comments.) says:


    You absolutely need to tag. Check out this page for an example.

    Each one of the “Other versions” is a tag. The “developmental version” is what is in the trunk. Another word for the developmental version is the “not stable version”. A tagged release is generally stable.

    WP does have a preference. Try to keep it only numbers and periods. An example is:

    You can also do: 2.013

    Just make sure your tag matches the tag in your readme file, your main plugin PHP file, and also the name of your tags directory.

  21. David Pankhurst (3 comments.) says:

    Thanks – I obviously have some editing to do for my next plugin…

  22. Travis (1 comments.) says:

    Thank you. made the procedure of uploading a plugin very easy. I really had no idea.

  23. Jason (1 comments.) says:

    I downloaded my plugin, and it downloaded the main folder and made the trunk folder a subfolder, with the plugin files it it. Do you know why this may be?

  24. Jake (1 comments.) says:

    Great post. I was pretty lost until I came across this. I am really liking Subversion…

  25. Jan the fish (3 comments.) says:

    Once you create a plugin await suggestions and tips how to improve it… although it works. The worst part of creating plugins is that only a few webmasters are willing to donate and thus tell you “thanks!”

    Everyone wants plugins, but they don’t come out of nowhere. Coders must learn all the time, they must understand the needs and so on…

  26. Peter Coughlin (1 comments.) says:

    This post was very useful for a first timer… it really helped me figure it all out. Thank you very much :-)

  27. Mike (2 comments.) says:

    Thanks for the great tutorial, I had no idea what I was doing until I found this.

  28. Ryan Bayne (2 comments.) says:

    Thanks for a great tutorial. First tried and first worked so cheers for making my first WordPress plugin upload experiance, not too frustrating!

    Not sure about the tag part and why you MUST do it however! I see the advantage but for now I’m doing to skip it and get my CSV 2 POST plugin released. Then start getting some feedback then tag it.

    Someone mentioned how creating plugins does not get much donations from webmasters. I plan to put a timer on my plugin that requires donation after being installed for a certain period AND used a certain number of times. Basically put a guilt trip on the user.

    I was told this is ok under GNU because you have provided the software free, how it operates is up to you. Something I think many plugin developers are failing to take advantage of and it’s about time a little more revenue came from them.

    My CSV 2 POST plugin page…

    Now in the WordPress Plugin directory thanks to this tutorial


  29. Ryan Bayne (2 comments.) says:

    Just noticed Ozh’s comment. What a ramble. Ozh you have basically stated yourself there is choice so if you do not like this option why ramble on about it?

    This blog post is a tutorial for those taking this option and your comment is bashing the wrong person for the wrong reasons.

    Plus I agree with Jenny. The process I just went through for the first time after following this tutorial was not so big. Every step seems to be for assurance, security and accurancy which is a small price to pay for develivering a BIG plugin.

    Give me a plugin example that does not need updates after launch also? One that gets used and is popular because all my currently installed plugins (35) on all my blogs get weekly updates.


  30. E-TARD (6 comments.) says:

    i just wish more ppl would put there plugins in the plugins dir so everyone find the plugin they r lookgin for & also knowing that the plugin your getting is coming from the WP dir give it a but more trust

    i’m sure they would not let ppl add plugins that have something hiden in side of it that could be bad in some way

  31. Ryan says:


    Any chance of a small tutorial for adding the next version to your repository then committing it but preventing a folder being removed or overwritten in a users current installation of a plugin on wordpress.

    Did that make sense lol

    Basically on Tortoise I selected Delete/Ignore but what it done was actually removed it from the version on This then resulted in deletion of the specific file from users installation of my plugin. Totally opposite effect to what I read and expected so I need to admit I’m confused and will read then comment on any content you make regarding this.

  32. Stephen Cronin (30 comments.) says:

    Hi Mark,

    Just wanted to say thanks – I’ve finally decided that any new plugin I release is going into the repository, starting with one I just finished (Comment Warning). Couldn’t have got in there without this post so thanks.


  1. Rogem002 (Mike (PHP Geek)) (1 comments.) says:

    Just used a great tutorial ( ) for uploading plugins to WP. I wish WP would have an easier of doing it.


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  2. […] a number of people thinking that having one’s plugin hosted at was a requirement. From Mark’s words, it’s not (although of course it can do no […]

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  4. […] Listing Your Plugin at the Plugin Directory ” This tutorial also about TortoiseSVN download page .” […]

  5. […] out of doing so sooner. I’m grateful that Ronald at Weblog Tools Collection did that tutorial on TortoiseSVN and explained in painstaking details how I should go about setting everything up. The slightly […]

  6. […] takes a little bit of getting used to, but numerous people have written great tutorials on how to get your plugin listed (Windows, Linux, […]

  7. […] to our feed! You can also receive updates from this blog via email.A while back I wrote about listing your plugin to the official WordPress plugins directory. The tutorial was for windows and I have been on the look-out for a Mac version. Since I have been […]

  8. […] plugin into the Plugin Repository. It was quite the process. Luckily there was a great tutorial at WBTC. You can check out the plugins page […]

  9. […] while back I wrote about listing your plugin to the official WordPress plugins directory. The tutorial was for windows and I have been on the look-out for a Mac version. Since I have been […]

  10. […] was until I found a post about how to use TortoiseSVN to do the job and lickety-split! it was up and appeared on the plugins page within a few […]

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  12. […] Listing Your Plugin at the Plugin Directory ” This tutorial also about TortoiseSVN download page .”Tags: WordPress, Plugin , Tutorials , List , development […]

  13. […] List Your Plugin at the Plugin Directory […]

  14. […] The process wasn’t too hard, but it would have been much harder without the excellent Listing Your Plugin at the Plugin Directory post by Ronald Huereca on […]

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