
WordPress 3.1 Feature Status Update

October 16th, 2010
WordPress, WordPress News



  1. Angie (20 comments.) says:

    Great, so the embarrassingly old gallery bug is still not being fixed and usable features like “no pings for edits, only for new posts” still not considered. Hmmm…

    • James Huff (109 comments.) says:

      Were either of those ever reported as bugs or just mentioned on the forums?

      • Zoran (6 comments.) says:

        Angie, “cbnet Ping Optimizer” is doing a great job pinging only for new posts. Give it a shot, if you haven’t already.

      • Angie (20 comments.) says:

        I’ve posted the link to the thread in my original comment but it’s been stripped off. Let me try it one more time. If it gets stripped again, just search for “WordPress Gallery Feedback” in the forums. It’s been mentioned dozens of times. It’s an embarrasingly obvious bug yet nobody bothers to address it:

        Also, how is something like no pings for edit not an internal feature yet useless features are being implemented is also beyond me.

        • James Huff (109 comments.) says:

          The link is still there. No need to post it again. Also, if you’d like your ideas added to WordPress, you have to mention them in a place where the developers look, like WordPress Ideas or Trac.

          • Angie (20 comments.) says:

            Oops, my bad. Didn’t realize hyperlinks didn’t change the appearance of the font. I thought it was straight off stripped when I saw regular type.

  2. Shane (1 comments.) says:

    Glad to see the Post Formats, before I actually tossed in my version of a custom taxonomy called Post Type, which essentially was another type of category similar to that of Tumblr. Can’t wait til 3.1!

  3. Zoran (6 comments.) says:

    Internal linking is a nice addition. I’m using post-to-post link for now. Looking forward to see how this feature is going to be implemented in WordPress 3.1. Also, perhaps in new User Admin, all the installed plugins are going to be listed alphabetically :)

  4. Banago (84 comments.) says:

    WordPress 3.1 seems like it will bring us a lot of goodies :)

    • Drew (12 comments.) says:

      Yes it will, hopefully doesn’t break half as much as 3 when it originally hit the market :)

      • Banago (84 comments.) says:

        Rreally! It seems I have missed the horror stories :)

        WP 3.0 broke nothing on my sites and my clients ones. I even begun using it on production site since in beta phase to get as mush as I could from custom post types.

  5. Drew Brown (12 comments.) says:

    Looking forward to the internal linking functionality, as well as the CSS customization. Should help search visibility and usability for lots of basic wp builds.

  6. Felix Ple?oianu (4 comments.) says:

    +1 for internal linking, and I expect the admin bar will be useful too. Waiting to see what the customizable dashboard will look like.

    Is the ‘no database schema changes’ commitment still standing?

  7. Flick (28 comments.) says:

    Glad to read that Query Multiple Taxonomies is going to be native to WordPress 3.1. I’m currently using Scribu’s excellent plugin (QMT) and hope the built-in functionality will be as useful and bug-free as the plugin.

    • James Huff (109 comments.) says:

      Scribu is actually working on the feature now, so I imagine that it will be just like or very similar to his plugin.

      • Flick (28 comments.) says:

        Thanks for the info, James ;) I guess this means that – fingers crossed – the current setup will continue to work once the plugin is disabled.

  8. palPalani (7 comments.) says:

    I’m waiting for “Custom Post Type Index Pages” feature.

  9. WpHey (21 comments.) says:

    I’m wondering when version 3.1 will be released.

  10. Paul (1 comments.) says:

    I want to see the new features too, and the CSS customization.

  11. Mark Schlaugh (1 comments.) says:

    Been waiting for Multi-Taxonomy Queries for a while. glad to see this. Thanks.

  12. Paul Turner (1 comments.) says:

    I also like the sound of internal linking. Its a responsible addition considering internal linking is good practise for usability and SEO.

  13. Jason Penney (2 comments.) says:

    I was looking forward to internal linking. I expected it to be something like a shortcode so we wouldn’t be storing full local URLs in the database anymore, making it easier to change permalinks, etc.

    But it appears that I was way off, and it’s a search feature to insert full local URLs into the database.

  14. Nurul Azis (16 comments.) says:

    Internal linking is my favourite :-)


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